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Ello, my name is Sammi, an old RP pro that got their start on text RP in AOL chat rooms a really long ass time ago. I do miss the old days. They're gone now and I'm hoping that this place can help the text RP itch I have from time to time in my adult life. I've played it all from hitting up the Red Dragon Inn in it's heyday to playing firefly, Marvel, Star Wars, too many modern horror games to count and even more one on ones of mine and the other players make. SO what am I looking for?
-Fun, first and foremost, I want to have fun!
-Story, I want a good story that makes me daydream when I'm not playing
-Rich Worlds and settings
Current Wants: Horizon: Zero Dawn, Titan's Grave, Sci-fi Fantasy, Numenera, High Fantasy, Modern Horror. Established IP's like firefly, Star wars, mass effect, Marvel, etc are always good.

To address the proverbial elephant in the room, smut play. I don't mind ERP, it's quite fun when it's with the right person(s), but I'm not a smut only kinda player. If you do with to engage my characters in such a way, here's best ways to do it.
1) Don't be entitled, I and my characters owe you NOTHING
2) I prefer Romance to lust in most cases.
3) Make the pursuit fun!
4) Please don't bleed between IC and OOC relations, I'm not your girlfriend/Boyfriend, I don't wish to be.
5) Most important rule, if you do get into any kind of ERP, you MUST BE 18 OR OLDER!

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