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Hello, my name is Ashira! I'm a Japanese RPer from Sendai. I currently live in Osaka and operate from this time zone (although I work from home so I can be on at random times). English is my third language but it's good, I promise! After all, RPing is how I get a lot of my interaction practice in... (´ï½¥Ï‰ï½¥`)

I prefer a lit. to adv. lit. RP as short responses tend to make me bored and/or uninterested. Please understand that it's not personal, though!

I've just purged nearly all of my characters and am currently in the process of rebuilding them. Please don't be afraid to ask for an RP if one of my characters perk your interest! I am always willing to at least hear out what you have to say!

Please forgive me if I disappear out of nowhere. I have a habit of coming and going; sometimes because I'm busy and sometimes because I'm uninspired to write. Please be patient with me if this is the case!

Inquiring minds want to know why we too should befriend over16bit!

Did you remember to explain why your friend is awesome?