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hey! I'm Aaron and I kinda don't know what I'm doing. they/them.
playing: 灰色庭園|The Gray Garden
watching: Yuri!!! on Ice
reading: The Picture of Dorian Gray

I've been RPing for five years give or take, though recently I've taken a break from RPing for reasons mainly relating to college, but kind of wanted to get back into it just for the sake of having a creative outlet.

I RP mainly OCs, though I'm open to trying canon RPs with shows I'm familiar with!

The genres I'm most familiar (and comfortable) with are Historical, Romance (as long as there's a plot outside of it), and Fantasy and all that kind of Supernatural-esque Cryptid stuff.

I'm completely okay with gore and nsfw, as well as most kinks as long as it's not super outlandish. (if you think it is, just discuss w/ me beforehand!)


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