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Spider » Characters

Clarissa Lucard

Intersex A born vampire-human endowed with demonic abilities, powers of flame, and an affection to fighting.

Eoin Drake

Male His dream was to join the anti-werewolf organisation to protect his kingdom. Upon discovering that he had been lied to about their nature, he defected to help them survive instead.

Rafe Holmes

Male Finding himself with powers almost no-one else has heard of, one man strikes a symbiotic deal with the military and their scientists: He provides the skeletons; They provide the closet.


Agender An immortal shapeshifter only interested in celestial ascension learns what it means to be human.

Seth Lucard, Serah Lucard

Two-spirit Twins sharing the same body due to magic are killed and turned into vampires. Now, they hunt their brother's murderer.

Sterling Melizée

Male A prime target for forced trophy servitude, a blind boy with albinism just wants to live a life of his own.

Victor Klein

Male A veteran suffering from PTSD and abandoned by his wife takes solace in alcohol, until a mysterious young girl with powers suddenly arrives in his home...

Wilvaren Knight

Male An orphaned half-elf raised by a kindly assassin makes an unlikely alliance with a human to come together and face a threat much bigger than their petty rivalry.

Zer Moneim-Sørensen

Male A human mutant with the power to alter age struggles to balance their morality and their craving to induce fear.