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AncientCatKing » Characters

Amory Wen

Male The corner store psychic.

Ash Barlowe

Transgender Male Need help disappointing your parents?

Calder Daire

Male Slowly watching as all parts of himself are repossessed by the devil.

Fernanda Whitlock

Transgender Woman Need a drink?


Unknown Not a good person to sneak up on.


Gender Fluid "Are you going to eat those bagel bites, or can I have them?"

Leandre Godeaux

Male "Do you want me to punch that guy? Because I'll punch that guy."

Luca Santiago

Gender Nonconforming The only person frowning at brunch.

Owen Stallard

Transgender Male Using your garden for magical rituals.

Rainier Holtzer

Unknown The bodysnatcher.

Ronan Hawkins

Cisgender Male Last seen howling at the moon.

Xiulan Li

Male I meant to respond sooner, but I lost track of my raven.

Yves Spencer

Male Bad at relationships but great at spreadsheets.