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Kudos for blackhole

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • Truth to be told, one of the most skilled roleplayers I've ever come across. Her ideas and dedication are incredible, as you can see in all of her characters. Blackie's an amazing person, truly, and I miss her so damn much. Not only our roleplays, but also our talks and her person in general. She's as good a friend as roleplayer, I can assure you ♡ - icetea

  • So i may not have roleplayed with this person for a while but she still deserves an recommendation. Blackhole is a really talented roleplayer, and it easy to see on her work and how much time she puts into every character she has, and just how diverse every response from one of them are and you can easily tell the difference from every role. If i were you i would message this roleplayer asap, and have an on going roleplay with her, you won't regret it! - Heartbeat_

  • One of the kindest people I know without a doubt, I swear that this girl, doesn't have a mean bone in her entire body. She is just one big ray of sunshine, that you always want to give a hug. Other than that, she is insanely loyal, and she will always give you an amazing answer in a roleplay. You can always count on her, to make your jaw drop with her creativity and just plain loveliness. - Emily903

  • Babygirl, the beauty beyond beauty. She is such a wonderful and given person who is always up for a roleplay. She put a lot of really hard work and also dedication into her characters which you can cleary tell by her amazing writing and designing. She is an amazing roleplayer. an inspiration for me. So every bit of love from here honey <3 <3 <3 - vanassa27