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Kudos for snifx

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • Hi again Kassie, Sniffy well what else you could call this wonderful homegirl <33 so yeah last time around when i gave you a kudos i had soooo many freaking words to say but this time i really don't have any like, you are an amazing friend and i am soo blessed to have you back in my life, like come on who wouldn't be you are creative and an amazing roleplayer, you are literally the Maggie to my Mason, the James to my Marlene <33 so really people hit this girl up she is worth an roleplay with. - Heartbeat_

  • Girl, there aren't enough words for me to describe you, except that you're awesome in every single way! We've been taking a break with our indescribably fantastic roleplay, #Willax, and I can honestly say, that these past months haven't been the same without them or you. Like, I can't live without them! And I know you can't either, which is why we're so perfect together. And I'm so freaking glad we've continued the rp! So if you're looking for an incredible rp, text her!
    Love ya <33 - Panda-Girl

  • Since my last kudos has been deleted (oopsy), I thought I would give you another one, so here we go. Even though we haven't known eachother for a very long time, I can tell that you're openminded, kind and amazing, and I love roleplaying with you! We simply need to have some sort of rp going on, because otherwise everything just seems sorta grey. You really are fantastic, and I would like to get to know you more - like everybody else should.

    Much love - #Willax <3 - Panda-Girl

  • So this girl is really freaking talented. She puts her heart into pretty much every character that she has ever created, which should be a big of enough reason for you to envy her and want to roleplay with her. Probably the biggest shipper ever! I cannot tell you, how many times we have fan girled over a new ship, which is hella awesome. She is the Kenny to my Jesse.
    Lots of love
    Vanse <3 - vanassa27

  • So since i have known this roleplayer for a while i though i would give an recommendation on her. Snifx is an really amazing roleplayer, and i have had the joy of roleplaying with her in the past before joining this site, and i can easily see the growth in the way she roleplays now from back then. She has become a really talented roleplayer and it is easy to tell from all her characters how hardworking and creative she can be. So give her a message and roleplay with her, you won't even regret it - Heartbeat_