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Kudos for TiamosLoren

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • Another year gone, and here we are still. We've been through so much both in our own lives and with each other. Unfortunate circumstances all but put a stop to any RP that we had going on, but RP is not what's important with us, is it? We've been friends for far to long to let a lack of RP stop us from being friends. Even though things still get tough at times, this person is still there for me when nobody else is. Listening to my repetitive venting. Thank you for everything. Kind and understanding Wonderful writer - Auron

  • I haven't known this guy for long but I feel like he's someone I've known for years. He is really level headed and sweet, and a real treat to rp with and talk to. He deserves waaay more kudos than he has already. - Healthbar

  • This individual is my best friend OOCly/IRL in the entire world. It's hard for me to put how much he means to me and how awesome he is in 500 characters. RP wise, he's a very creative writer and can make the most out of almost any situation. His characters have history, and he plays them well. Person wise. 500 characters just won't do. He's awesome. Period. Just don't piss him off. Unless you are me, cause he loves me. :P - Auron