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Kudos for GreenWolf

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • Happy Birthday Kudos!! Green and I haven't RPed in too long, but that doesn't stop me from still craving his writing and all of the heavy detail that comes with it. His ability to weave the subtle yet grandiose intricacy of the mundane and fantastical alike will leave beautiful imagery racing across your mind and a want to dive deeper into the pockets of the world that unfold... - Stormie

  • I had met Purrcival as a total fluke in the Atrium of The Golden Tether, and that was that! He has been there for RP almost every single day, and he has made Sonovia the character she is today. His great wit and understanding of slave/slaver RP and his ability to really wrap you into a storyline make things so interesting. Not only is he able to keep roleplay interesting, he keeps things fresh, and he is willing to work with unruly schedules. I am so glad to have Purrcival and his player! - Exxiilem

  • To say this man is hilarious would be an understatement, both oocly and icly his witty banter will have you in hysterics. I've never met someone who can be so unpredictable, so creative in building a scene that it will suck you in to the point time itself is forgotten. A genius, a partner in crime, and most importantly a friend. Please, smother him in RP, if anyone deserves your attention it's this one right here c: - BobbinK