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Kudos for Mathgeek124

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • Quick response times, creative ideas, diverse characters, and wittily-written dialogue... those are definitely the top qualities of this lovely writer. :) They are fun to banter with OOC, and someone whose responses I always look forward to reading. Great sense of humor Fast responses - Anonymous

  • Math is an extremely active roleplayer who is going to keep your stories alive and interesting. The combination she plays with Ice and Amber brings dynamic to any stories I have RPed with her so far. All the while, she is friendly and helpful. Looking forward to more roleplays with you - Tusitala

  • She is my freakin' twin bro. I love this girl so much. We have the same interests and stuff. If you have a question or want to rp i'm sure she will be up to it! And if your reading this just know I think of you as a sister. Your the best! Keep up your inspiring work! - SkyeAnnMarie

  • Okay, I've been wanting to write something for a while~

    She is amazing! I've been role playing with her for a while, and she is lovely. Her characters are amazing, and so are her ideas, and not to mention that she is very friendly OOC as well! I highly suggest and Rp with Mathgeek124 :) - MythicalBeast5

  • Where do I even start here? Mathgeek was one of the first people I roleplayed with when I joined and to be honest, if I hadn't enjoyed that first RP so much, I may not have stayed. She is very nice, creative and just amazing to roleplay with :) - JonahMa07

  • Mathgeek was one of the first role players I roleplayed with when I came to this website and I would say that that first roleplay was the one that kept me here and she helped that roleplay blossom. She always keeps the story alive and is just an all round excellent role player so I highly recommend her. Keep up the good work! :) - NeoKitty563