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Kudos for Lyko_Harl

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • Quite the sweetheart. IC and OCC she is way cool and sweet. Chat and roleplay with this woman. Befriend her you won't regret it. - LakotaSiouxWarrior

  • This is looooong overdue. This girl is an absolute joy to both roleplay with and chat with. The two characters that we have a romance RP going with seem to just click so well, and honestly, they're absolutely adorable. I couldn't have asked for a better outcome of it. <3 - nightmqre

  • Really nice to write with. Replies often and keeps a story going. Very nice OOC too. So glad I write with Lyko! - Pantrane

  • She is such a great role player that I'm sitting here, suppose to be sleeping but our rp has got me captivated. I suggest her for anyone and everyone - Michael_Rainwater

  • I only met Lyko a week ago and have to say I'm impressed with her RP writing as she writes in such a way that is really easy to mesh with! It was also good to find another Aussie rp writer!

    If you find yourself with a chance to write with Lyko, I highly recommend taking it. Wonderful writer - Rogue-Scribe