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Kudos for Selkieborn

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • Where do I even begin! Keta has so much going on I can hardly even wrap my mind around it. She is not just herself, but this whole lore and life surrounding her. This realism that makes it hard to look away. She's brave and bold and beautiful with so much to offer. A treasure found in the American Midwest. So much mystery, lore and spice, again I say, where does one even begin. - Kruhee

  • AAHH Selkie and I have only just begun to RP a campaign. I feel honored. Her writing is simply remarkable. With only a few posts in its obvious her characters have depth. She provides realistic reactions to her environment and characters within it; she also pays attention to those finer details. Our RP interactions have been stellar. OOC wise, she is super sweet and I am loving those shares in scary wendigo stories :D - Mipps

  • Selkieborn stands out on the public forums as someone with a highly literate and eloquent writing style, and personality-wise is polite, considerate, and forthright. We haven't written together, but it doesn't take any effort at all to tell that one who would be lucky to write with her. Also...selkies and celtic folklore...woot. <3 - Abigail_Austin

  • So proud of her. She pointed out something that was so wrong and against everything this wonderful community stands for. That's why this woman deserves these words of praise. I am in total solidarity with my freind. - LakotaSiouxWarrior