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Kudos for Curreap

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • I've put this off way too long... probably because our encountering one another is much too far and inbetween; but... Curreap is a darling, private- yet friendly creature that I hope to get to know more in the future. A fellow lover of what is creepy, magical, and elven; I always enjoy their hauntingly expressive ways of portraying what is dark within the depths of RPR profiles. May the New Year see great things for you, friend. - Whiffle

  • I've known Curreap near a year now, and it honestly feels as though I have known her longer. A wonderful and creative person, I genuinely feel she is much more than a fantastic RP partner, but an amazing friend, also. I could not be without her writing skills, nor her company. I'm honored to know her. <3 - Lyss

  • Cyn VonBacabre (played by Curreap)
    Cyn is an absolutely fantastic character. Nothing but in depth thought has gone into his creation and it shows in the quality of the character, matched perfectly with the quality of the RP. Ever a mystery and always with something new and exciting in each and every RP, I am truly honored to be able to interact with this character and his fantastic player on a long term basis. It is impossible not to love his beautiful brooding self. <3 - Lyss