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Forums » RP Discussion » Questions For A Setting


What are some good questions to ask about a setting? For example, while building a universe some of my immediate questions are:

Is there magic?
(If so, how much?)

When does it take place?

What level of technology is there?

What are the civilizations like (if any)?

What is the government like (if any)?

Are there any significant or well known people?

What is the history like?

I'm having trouble coming up with questions to ask myself even though I've looked at a number of sources, I'd love to know what information you think is most vital/should be prioritized, what information makes a setting interesting, and what should be left out.
what you have are really great ideas! I haven't thought of some of them. I honestly have a huge problem with what time a setting takes place - in years and months, at least.
When thinking of a setting - specifically for a story of sorts - I like to think about the community that's established there if any... like what kind of slang do they use? Do they have abnormal customs? How do they act to strangers in the same community? What about people they've seen or talked to before? I also like thinking of the climate and scenery of the setting, too, but it isn't too necessary to go so far in detail :p
Well those are good questions, but I follow along the lines of

What type do I as the creator want? Scifi, fantasy, modern, historical, medieval, Victorian, Renaissance, industrial, golden era, or a mix of some kind?

Where do I want to start and what is the place like?

Who is the main antagonist and where are they situated?

Do I use the full range of setting types (jungle, forest, desert, mountain, tundra, plains, cityscape, swamp, the stars, shoreline, port city, ocean/sea, the sky and skylands,(not going into sub settings... To many. (Volcano and mines for example.)(this would account for weather as well) or am I only using some of them?

How many are playing? The more that are playing the bigger the setting should be unless it's a lock in horror/mystery of sorts.

And then after all that I try to work a history out for it.

Once that's over I go into where are they going and go back to the previous range of settings question and work out if this area should have a civilization or not. Number of civilizations is not a question I ask personally because it comes out as it is. I use the settings as for the plot, not for aesthetics. I'm not to the point of putting filler setting into my rp's yet hahah, nor do I actually like it.

Usually when you start to make an RP you already have some idea, but in order to make any of the setting, these are the questions I find help me make the setting.

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