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Final day of FOBETEO 2016

Posted by Kim on December 9, 2016, 3:30pm

So far, just over 500 kudos have been given out this Festival of Being Excellent to Each Other. Incredible! I have treasured every kind word that's been sent to me this week. I know many of you have received pleasant and encouraging surprises in the form of kudos about strengths you didn't know anyone could see.

Today is the last day of The Festival of Being Excellent to Each Other, but I hope that you'll remember to tell people how much you appreciate them all year round!

Friday RP Prompt

RP prompts may be complete plot ideas, a single situation, a character, a feeling, a challenge, or even a photo to use as inspiration. Start a new RP to play them out, or use them to add a twist to an existing RP. Modify them, take inspiration from them, or use them as is!


Your character wakes to find a courier delivering a message to their door, containing a warning from themselves one day into the future. What does it say? -This RP idea was suggested by Trickster
Do you have a suggestion for a RP prompt or plot bunny you'd like to see featured in the news? Send it to Kim -- if it's picked, you'll receive credit for the idea.