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Forums » Looking for RP » Looking for Fantasy Setting Characters ( (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Tuuli (played anonymously)

I'm looking for RP for this character, who is newly created. To be honest, I'm not sure what I'm looking for, but if you have a character that you think might fit with her, that'd be awesome! If you want to know about Tuuli, it's better for you to just read her profile because I put what your character should know there. Part of her profile is not completed, but that part of her will not even be possible to play with for a while anyway.

I would prefer people who can give a minimum of a paragraph in response length, 2-3 paragraphs is my most comfortable zone. If I'm sent one liners, the chances of me replying are very slim. And please be able to write with literacy, I don't want to be forced to get a detective kit to try to figure out what you're trying to say. When I say literate writing, I mean coherent sentences that make sense, few to no spelling or grammar errors, and correct punctuation.

If you're interested, either comment on this thread, or PM me. Thanks!

I'd be interested in RPing! Though, if my character doesn't interest you, I could always make a new one. :)
Tuuli (played anonymously) Topic Starter

I'll have to take a look at your characters and get back to you on that. Thanks for being willing to RP. :)

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Looking for Fantasy Setting Characters ( (closed)

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