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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trip to the Temples(1x1)

Chiara (played by Loki) Topic Starter

"I wouldn't ask it of you. I feel bad enough I'm cutting out on helping you babysit. I'll be back soon, and I promise I'll make up for it." She'd give Ferous a bright smile when the words were returned, and she'd plant a final kiss on her cheek, and she'd let the spirit go. She normally wasn't clingy, but ever since Draeval had gone, she'd become slightly more physically affectionate with Ferous. It would probably pass with time, hopefully it didn't bother her.

With that she was making her way over to Qinglau, "Do you mind if we stop by the post office? I need to check my mail." It really shouldn't take her too long. "And then I'm free to go with you, if that's something you still wanted..." She seemed a little concerned, it had looked as if Ferous might have hit him.
The Serpentmasters (played by Minerva)

Ferous didn't seem to mind, and even let fingers linger while seeing her off, but paths seperated. Ignore the twinge while Ferous turned to step back inside. /////// Chiara might have brief chance to catch the rolling lenses. Rejecting the Flaebeath eyes now that he needed no clear visual of the caduceus, the yellowed whites became clean again, and hawkish red focus became blurry blues again, all in the course of a blink. He didn't favor other effects of calling on that gaze. He blinked a few times, welcoming blurry familiarity again. "Post office?" some things of the world he had become accustomed to, but he had never quite needed mail delivered. In fact, he furrowed his brows and fished a contraption that looked suspiciously like a cell phone from his pocket, but he looked lost at the now-blank screen. "Hm." if she explained what the post office was, he nodded, "That's fine. Someone may have some backed up mail of their own." ...of course he's going to be equally lost on what to do with it when he finds it.
Chiara (played by Loki) Topic Starter

Chiara hadn't noticed Ferous, thankfully, or she'd probably be feeling more guilty than she already was. She's outside with Qinglau and he's pulling out what looks to be a phone. Chiara blinks at it, "You have a phone too?" She was surprised, even she didn't own one of the things.

"Well, it's this way." She would offer her arm to Qinglau this time, she was getting the feeling that he couldn't see all too well, but she didn't want to point it out and offend him. "I'm sorry for what she said about your Son. I wasn't expecting that to happen." Ferous had told her not to feel badly, but in her talking with Qinglau she was under the impression that the old man cared about his son no matter what he was or had done.
The Serpentmasters (played by Minerva)

Smart girl. He took the arm, pocketing the gadget and placing the free hand over hers. "No, it's not mine. His, in fact. ...I can't figure out how to operate it, and its energy apparently depleted. He used it for contacts, however, and I imagine some may be worth finding. He never did anything without purpose." still, the walk was pleasant, even in spite of conversation. "I can't act as if it's in any way untrue." he deflected the apology blankly.
Chiara (played by Loki) Topic Starter

Chiara would walk with him, towards the post office. " probably needs to be charged. We can stop and buy a charger for it if you like. You can plug it in at my place while I get some clothes. Then you should be able to use it." Since he seemed boggled by the device, she was fairly sure he didn't have anywhere to charge it at home.

"It doesn't matter, he meant something to you and I'm sorry it was brought up like that. I really didn't intend for it to be that way."
The Serpentmasters (played by Minerva)

"Yes... I've tried to figure out how to supplement it, but..." well, apparently he'd struggled with modern phone voltage and whatnot. Still, he let out a chuckle. "For me to be too deeply offended, I would have wanted him to be something different than what he was. I mostly regret the hole in the family in his absence, but it was inevitable with his level of activity. I would say he had a good unlife.'s just a bit bothersome when his power symbol is missing to find it elsewhere." the caduceus had entranced him after all. ...and then been snapped at by the entity in question, or at least part of it. " she always like that? I would imagine the symbol itself indicates some sort of balance to the aura. Like a dying fire, still prone to spark but easily missed." pardon his odd descriptors; he sees, and thus describes, very differently. well, the dualism of this world's caduceus was a bit more... ... ... Individual. Hopefully that was the serpent and not the dragon/phoenix, yikes.
Chiara (played by Loki) Topic Starter

Chiara would nod, "I won't make any promises, but a charger should make it work again, here..." She'd turn down a street to the right, "We'll pick that up first." As for the caduceus in the temple, "Oh, I can promise you that didn't belong to him. It's uh...actually a pair of earrings." Yeah Chiara, that made total sense. "It's a replica of the staff that the other temple patron carries. But he's had that one for thousands of years." Chiara would know, since she'd literally seen him with it three thousand years ago.

As for Ferous always being like that, Chiara would bite her lip, "To people she doesn't know well, I think so. She said the two of your were enemies, but that you meant me no harm. I really don't know much about it, other than it had to do with the war." She'd go quiet a moment, "It's sad, but a fairly accurate description you gave, I suppose."
The Serpentmasters (played by Minerva)

"...earrings surprise me, but it not being his doesn't. The power was... different. A different sort of balance upon it." he had his typical, zoned-out and staring-ahead look, since most of the city looked the same to him. "I can't imagine existing like that. Then again, that shows the difference of fire and water." he shrugged. "post office... Charger... The long road home." he recited if only to ascertain he remembered the plan. "...I'm not causing you trouble, am I?"
Chiara (played by Loki) Topic Starter

"I got it from a rather strange gargoyle." As if she were one to be talking about something being strange? "It's sad." Chiara would agree on that at least, and she'd correct his list, "Charger first, we're almost there." In fact, she was leading him to a door for a radio shack type of place. "No, of course you aren't. Why would you think so?" She'd be opening the door for him, "If you let the clerk see the phone, I'm sure he can find the charger that fits with it." Hopefully it was actually a phone model and not some weird custom thing, or they were going to run into trouble!
The Serpentmasters (played by Minerva)

It was Zenthus' phone, not Luci's, so no--off the market, just to manage this worlds affairs. He may call movies motion pictures, and dress from the last century, but he was modern where it counted and spared no expense to try to stay up to date--which was part of what had confused poor Qinglau so much. The clerk should have an easy answer for the droid, but Qinglau was distracted by a variety of glowing electrical frequencies, nodding blankly and... Filing through his wallet. Well, at least zenthus had furnished him with cash, by means of one reason for his phone, but Chiara might spot him squinting. Hopefully his return change was correct.
Chiara (played by Loki) Topic Starter

Chiara would watch to make sure the clerk got the right charger that fit, and she was probably much quicker with her card than Qinglau was with his money. It also prevented the cashier from short changing him, which Chiara might have blown a fuse if that happened. The charger and phone were offered back to Qinglau and Chiara would offer her arm to him again to head towards the door. "Now, the post office. That's not too far, but...if you have some faster form of travel than walking you may want to just meet me at the cabin. That's quite a walk from here, through the woods."
The Serpentmasters (played by Minerva)

Qinglau looked mildly ruffled that she had paid for him, "That was... How much?" good job, now he's going to rifle through his wallet for even longer. "I'd need to know where it was to shortcut there... Or can follow a water source quickly. I have time. If I didn't, I wouldn't request company. ... You should probably bring warm clothes and a jacket."
Chiara (played by Loki) Topic Starter

Chiara didn't see the big deal, "The receipt is in the bag, we can sort it out when we get back to my place." It wasn't as if she were poor or anything, the charger really was nothing to her. "If you really don't mind the walk its fine with me. Most people prefer not to make it if they don't have to." Hopefully he was going out with her, so they could go towards the post office. "Alright. Might be a relief to get away from the heat for a little bit."
The Serpentmasters (played by Minerva)

"I don't have much other use for this money." short of buying coffee he throws away. He was, indeed, alongside. "I don't get out often. If I don't see the world a bit, I'll atrophy." he chuckled dully. "... I do have an electrical adapter at the lair, but it may be best to charge this contraption when you pack up. ...and I may need to go to market to get food. I doubt you survive on milk, cream and water."
Chiara (played by Loki) Topic Starter

Chiara would be guiding them towards the post office, which really wasn't all that much farther along. "We can stop at the store before we go back to my place, you're right, I couldn't live off of that." Nor would she want to! Mention of food had her remembering her overstuffed fridge, but she had a plan for that.

It isn't long before they're heading into the post office and she'll head towards the boxes, while digging the key out of her tote bag. She'll open up the mailbox, and most of what she's got in there is junk, but there is a letter that she opens right away. There's a variety of emotions she goes through while reading it, but for some reason, whatever was in the letter seemed to make her sad. She wanted to cry but she knew that wasn't appropriate to do in public so she cleared her throat, "Which box did you want to check?" She's closing up her own box, and the letter is carefully tucked into a worn book that she was carrying in her tote.
The Serpentmasters (played by Minerva)

"Oh, no. If the food around here is anything like the local water, I'd prefer to shop closer to home." a demonic naturalist. Okay. She chokes up, and while not clearly displaying it, he has means of cheating to sense it. and om nomming on it. "Don't worry about it. I need to get his phone functioning to know what name he assigned to it." oh, well that makes sense. "But now I know where this 'post office' is. Thank you. shall we head to your place?" he didn't make issue of her emotional turbulence. She had mentioned losing someone, after all.
Chiara (played by Loki) Topic Starter

Chiara was glad to be away from here, and she'd nod. "Sure, back to my place sounds good. I'm...interested to see what the market...looks like where you come from." It would probably be familiar to her, considering where she'd grown up.

The letter wouldn't be mentioned again, and she'd just offer her arm again so they could head towards the outskirts of town, over the bridge and into the forest. She's content with silence for the walk, though she won't ignore him if he speaks to her.
The Serpentmasters (played by Minerva)

"There's no bustling vehicles, save for far north in Mervania, where they're few. The busiest markets tend to have streets lined in hay to silence the clatter of wagon wheels. Food and common wares take up the square, and nearby roads are full of gypsy or specialty goods. I find them fruitful for unusual items, as I... Normally don't eat. As it is, I'll have to call for Zom, my youngest, to cater for you unless you feel like cooking for yourself, but that would make me a poor host."
Chiara (played by Loki) Topic Starter

Chiara would manage a faint smile at that, "Sounds like something I would be more used to. I can't wait to see it for myself." She'd bite her lip, "That would be really appreciated...I um...I'm a terrible cook. I can barely feed myself. My...husband was the one that did most of the cooking...otherwise I just went out to eat." Yeah, if she had to cook for herself she'd end up living on eggs, or starving to death.
The Serpentmasters (played by Minerva)

"...a woman with wife and a husband, and the husband cooks. Hah." it wasn't so much a mocking tone as amused. Maybe he cleaned and cleaned, too. Her 'wife' hadn't looked, acted, or hit like a suzy homemaker. But from there--quiet for the walk, although she probably had to take it slow come forestry, as he didn't seem very apt at spotting vines that could serve to trip.

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