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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Tarra school of magic

Lee (played by Icyrosyseal) Topic Starter

"and i have.... mind reading resistance training? ok? i guess?"
Flint (played by jackson111)

"oh i have Sprites and Demonology first sound fun"
Lee (played by Icyrosyseal) Topic Starter

Griselda (played by J-MoArts)

Do we have anything together?
Flint (played by jackson111)

"yaay i have healing 2nd"
Lee (played by Icyrosyseal) Topic Starter

"mine starts in five minutes! got to go!"
Lee (played by Icyrosyseal) Topic Starter

he sprinted off towards the second floor.
Griselda (played by J-MoArts)

"I'm on 5th floor Seeya!" runs away in the same direction
Nova (played by CosmaNova)

“I have element training for most of the day. Heck yeah!” Grins. “What else do you have Griselda?”
Nova (played by CosmaNova)

“Welp looks like I gotta dash now. Dang.” Runs to the stairs
Griselda (played by J-MoArts)

"I have it 4th lesson"
Nova (played by CosmaNova)

“Well my class is on the third floor. I’ll see you after then!”
Lee (played by Icyrosyseal) Topic Starter

he entered his class.
Flint (played by jackson111)

well imgoing to 1st block now" walks into my class and sits
Lee (played by Icyrosyseal) Topic Starter

"..." he concentrated on protecting his mind.
Nova (played by CosmaNova)

She arrives at her class and participated in reading tarot cards.
Lee (played by Icyrosyseal) Topic Starter

"AGHHH!" he collapsed on the floor.
Lee (played by Icyrosyseal) Topic Starter

he got back up. "i'm ready to try again..."
Griselda (played by J-MoArts)

Draws a Transmutation Circle and transmutes a rose
Nova (played by CosmaNova)

Sighs when the reading turns negative. “Aw man...”

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