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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » How was the fall?

Rose (played by Foxy_TheWarrior)

She gulped
Roseline Roatta (played by wolfydere) Topic Starter

Chara growled "I'll keep the monsters alive....BUT I WILL DEFENITLY KILL YOU!" She said in her demon voice
Undyne (played by Imthenaysayer)

Undyne left Chara and faith at 1 hp. “ your not going to kill anyone.”
Roseline Roatta (played by wolfydere) Topic Starter

She fell down and smiled and she regenerated her health surprisingly fast and she stood up and she instantly broke the cage and she walked over to Faith and broke her cage too because she is filled with DETERMINATION and she turned to
Undyne "Prepare to die" she said take a dagger
Undyne (played by Imthenaysayer)

He throw his spare at Chara ” I told you too give up.”
Roseline Roatta (played by wolfydere) Topic Starter

She dodged out away and she slashed at him "No coming back this time!"
Undyne (played by Imthenaysayer)

He stabbed the spare into her heart. He was filled with rage
Roseline Roatta (played by wolfydere) Topic Starter

She dodged out of the way again and she slashed again
Undyne (played by Imthenaysayer)

He knock you onto the floor and stab your Heart “this too funny.” He said laughing as he continues stabbing Chara over and over “ I’m not going to hurt faith my fight is with you.” He said
Roseline Roatta (played by wolfydere) Topic Starter

She screamed and her determination kept her from dying "Your going to die first before me because my determination is to strong for you!"
Undyne (played by Imthenaysayer)

He filled his determination.” I don’t want to kill you.” He said.” But I will.” He said he continues throwing spares and jumping back on each spear throw.
Rose (played by Foxy_TheWarrior)

Faith lays on the ground of the cage
Undyne (played by Imthenaysayer)

He heals back to full hp as he throws the spears. Chara’s couldn’t go through his armor.
Rose (played by Foxy_TheWarrior)

Faith growls as she bites his arm
Roseline Roatta (played by wolfydere) Topic Starter

Chara ghasped as a spear punctured her heart and she fell to the ground "You truely are evil" Chara said to Undyne
Rose (played by Foxy_TheWarrior)

Faith looks at her as she fell to the ground, bleeding
Roseline Roatta (played by wolfydere) Topic Starter

"Faith...I'm Sorry" She held the reset button infront of her hand "See you in the next timeline" She said smiling and pressed it as she fell down
Rose (played by Foxy_TheWarrior)

"See you too" she said as she closed her eyes
Chiaran Dreemurr (played by wolfydere) Topic Starter

Chiaran was thrown from her universe and she had a vague feeling something was not right as she woke up on the flower bed "Ugg....What the?" She said getting up
Rose (played by Foxy_TheWarrior)

Faith was sitting on the ground, waiting for a human to come by her.

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