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Hi. I'm Harry. I'm 24 and looking for RP.

I am a professional DM of Dungeons and dragons. I have 16 years of RP experience and 11 of D&D experience. Want to know more about me or my characters? Ask me.

I keep it classy; no sexual or romantic RP.

RP I like:

Sci-Fi Themes
Fantasy Themes
Alternate History Themes
Spec Ops Themes
Western Themes
Any Mishmash of the Above
Call of Cthulhu

Rave Reviews

Jean-Baptiste is a force to be reckoned with and despite his volatile nature he is a doting grandfather. A man who values loyalty and honest and isn't afraid to cut someone down without a second thought. Margareth is fortunate to have such a dynamic person in her life who appeals to both aspects of her nature. I look forward to seeing how far down the rabbit hole he leads her and if her father will be able to guide her back out. Nothing like a family divided. - Tiufel
The clever devil. The Moriarty to Adams' Sherlock. The perfection of pouding, destroying and burning the imperfection out of the city, by any means necessary. The darker side of Adam that shines through. It's no wonder Jean wishes Adam to be his heir. Because they both know he'd be a perfect fit. But will he become it? Will he succeed in doing so? It excites me to watch it play out. - Michonne

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