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Rave Reviews

Harpur Delhardt (played by Degu)
Seeing Harpur go from a heartless, murderous criminal to the heart of our little group has been a real treat. He's a wonderfully written character with a great deal of depth and believable layers. His relationship with Virgo, while sometimes strained, is one that I adore immensely. Any RP with this character, good or dramatic, is always fantastic. - Rook
Enfield Fleischer (played by Degu)
MY BOY. MY MAN. A doodle envisioning what Evren's universe-hopping child would be doing as an adult has just sprung to life, fully realized and utterly entertaining to read. Enfield is a Tigger, he is a charmer, he's a dashing rogue and a big softy all rolled into one. And when Degu hits that point in their writing when I want to step across the fourth wall to giggle at this man, shake his shoulders or just hug him, you know they're doing something right. Go check him out, he's a blast! - Rigby

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