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Hello! ๐Ÿ’– I'm Giulia from Italy! ๐Ÿฅฐ She/Her ๐ŸŽ€ CET
You can find me on Discord! ๐ŸŒŸ Shi ยท #6979


I'm not completely new to roleplay, but I've always experienced it through texting and never in a forum like this! However, I'm open to the challenge!
I usually prefer freeform roleplay -I'm not smart enough to deal with all those technicalities- and privilege adjustable length, sometimes paragraphs are just so unnecessary...


I'm into any kind of roleplay, from casual slice-of-life settings to high-fantasy worlds, everything goes! As long as I can dump all of my repressed cuteness onto someone, I'm more than happy to join in! My English might not always be the best, so I hope you'll bear with me if I ask for any OOC explanations, but I promise I'm not that bad... I swear!
I'm eventually fine with NSFW roleplay too, but I very much prefer clean roleplay!


I wish you all a great day! And remember to love yourself! ๐Ÿ’–

โœจ Disclaimer! I only use Kafuu Chino as a face claim for my main OC, I do not know anything about the anime/manga she is from! โœจ

Rave Reviews

Lily (played by GiuliMa)
I love this character so much and the person behind that character is awesome!
Her character is heartwarming and knows how to calm my anxious character down. Her beautiful melodies through singing or playing the flute is a true blessing to watch.

If you haven't hit her for rp, then simply DO IT! You won't regret it, I promise. Here a heart for you <3 Wonderful writer Long-term partner - EagleBearer

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