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Dylan's Characters

Dylan either hasn't made any characters yet, or all of their characters are anonymous.

Rave Reviews

This spicey mami may go through periods of silence, but she remains a beloved friend. She's always been a skilled writer and weaver of worlds, but over the past couple of years, she's also been an incredible support. When I went through a personal crisis with a sick cat, she contributed substantially toward the cost of his care, all without asking a thing in return. I count myself extremely fortunate to know her, and I hope we stay friends for a long time. Kind and understanding Great sense of humor - Auberon
I'm pretty sure I've given Dylan kudos before. Yet she's awesome enough she deserves so much more. Tirelessly putting herself out there to ensure that TGT and various other things are running smoothly, always willing to help and support people when they've an idea to run with. And even if she is still a little intimidating after knowing her so long, she's amazingly awesome and full of win. Bow down and kiss her feet people. This woman is the bees knees. - TheCoffeeWolf

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