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Hello everyone! Soooo, I'm only just getting back into the RP community. My characters are primarally used for furcadia, but I'm not opposed to roleplaying other places. UwU what else to say. I enjoy messages and meeting new friends, so feel free to message me with what ever. I'm super flexible with my characters, so if there's something you're not sure about just ask me and I can tweek something for a RP so that it would better fit different scenarios.

-I'm super flexible with my characters, if you think you'd like to play but don't like the plot I have set up please lemme know. I'm all for flexing my characters to fit into something more comfortable.

-I wont allow death scenes unless I agree to them or it's on another party. again it's just a matter of asking haha

-Michael is totally available for shippy/romantic RPs, but Metatron is off limits and any "relationships" that occur with them are strictly non-canonical.

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