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Elliebeing » Characters

Ahvenaas Ar'ean

Male Relatively experienced draconian seeking his own version of peace. Opinionated and somewhat snarky, with a keen awareness of his own strength and touch of wisdom.

Amaya Kirei

Female Matured spirit with a lingering curiosity of mortals. Formerly contracted, and vowed never to be again.

Eien Rychel Kazuma

Female A willful if quiet woman with many secrets; ‘touched by the heavens’ and capable of seeing beyond the veil of the mundane, if to an unadvertised degree.

Idredh Nerethi

Male UNDER REVISION-Daedra and vamp hunter, with close ties to his family and an order of militant service.

Iravati dae'Meong

Female A strong-willed, well-studied mage. Known to be a traveling healer and proficient alchemist.

Jaime Rose Anderson

Female A touch eccentric and with the ferocity to defend herself. Suprisingly introspective, sharp-minded, and wise despite her outward first impressions.

Jaric Frostvein

UNDER REVISION-Ex-battlemage in hiding, and something of an experienced hermit.

Jorun de'Amarr

Male A man struggling to balance his responsibilities and arcane gifts.

Ka'ith Dre'al

Male Behemoth of a lizard-folk, loyal despite being expunged of his rank and title.

Khamuzi ko'Mahdavi

Female Folk heroine, small business owner, and bodyguard/escort for hire. Also dragon slayer... sometimes befriender.


Male Machine with an organic body grown around it. Spec-ops, pilot, and agent of his creator's Council.


Female Somewhat wild woman that mostly keeps to herself, with a hidden ferocity, deep warmth, and knack for survival.


Male Cartographer, researcher, and mage for high fantasy or high fantasy+high tech settings. Framed a traitor and supportive of his people's rebellion.

The Clockwork Mage

Female Partly-mechanical high elf, focused in the arcane and technological progress.


Female UNDER REVISION-One who is as likely to heal as to harm, though the former she is well-known for. A rough exterior hides her softer core.

Xoltan Asheater

Male UNDER REVISION-Favoured warrior, turned to a life of debt and gladiatorial glee. An odd mix of eccentric highs and veiled lows.