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Kudos for SummerNights

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • I haven't known Summer for very long, but he's always great to see in the Just Talkin' thread. He's extremely friendly and chatty, known for having more than 3000 tabs open at any time, and an avid consumer of anime. I hope to continue seeing him around the site! - Claine

  • SummerNights is certainly an energetic soul and also bears what is objectively the greatest character in all of fiction, the Chicken. I don't really have to say much more at this point, but I will anyways: he's a pleasant individual who has come to the RPR and made a name for himself in Just Talkin', and is certainly worth the time of day to roleplay with. - GrandFinale

  • Summer has a very interesting dynamic personality! It never gets boring when he's around and I don't think the official chat would be quite the same without him. :) He's always full of ideas for roleplaying and his characters are very interesting to look at, so if you see him chilling don't forget to hit him up for a talk or roleplay! - Sanne

  • Where do I begin?
    Summer was one of my very first friends on this site a few months ago and I'm so glad to have met him! He's really easy to bond with and we have a lot in common. Although me and him haven't role played yet, I know he's amazing. He will always have long, detailed replies. If you are looking for a good role play partner, this guy is what you're looking for.
    Summer aka. Alex is simply amazing :D. - Tfa_96

  • I haven't roleplayed much with him, but what I have seen has been amazing. He is a very good and humorous writer that never faults to make me laugh. Not only that but he's hilarious to talk to him out of the roleplay. He's a cool dude, check him out. - Imtoorandom