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Kudos for UselessCatt

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • UselessCatt Is a amazing person and I'm glad to be best friends with her. She's a Amazing Role player she puts in really good details and emotions when she role plays. I'm so glad that I've met her Cause She's the best person to be friends with.

    -Leafy - LillyBlack79

  • i felt like i should give her a better kudos so here it goes...... She is my best friend and my buddy. She's a wonderful person and the most caring I've ever known. I am always happy whenever i'm around her and I know i never wanna lose her. Her personality is indescribable. My buddy always finds a way to "wow" me everyday. I need her and honestly can't live without her - apd9091

  • Bestest person ever
    Ultra amazing
    Yay - apd9091

  • UselessCatt is a very talented RP host that will make you feel immersed into the role play you're doing together. She also will keep on making the community great with her wonderful ideas and multitasking. She can multitask with characters that feel like real people and she is lightning quick with her descriptive answers and replies. She is a wonderful and Creative Human being that will keep you on your toes and keep her on your friends list. A truly Wonderful Friend ans Partner. - TheRealRedHood