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Kudos for PastelGalaxy

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • My character Thomas Shaw and Pastel Galaxy's character Indiana Vavrose wrote quite an intense and detailed RP together and I can say she was quite a joy to write with! Along with the two qualities I ticked, I can add good OOC communication, quick replies, drives the plot forward, and would write some good humor into the RP. Don't pass up a chance to write with Pastel Galaxy if you get the chance! Creative ideas Wonderful writer - Rogue-Scribe

  • I read PastelGalaxy's submission in the Short Story Fun thread and all I can say is WOW! A beautiful picture painted with words! With such beautiful writing like that imagine what the RPs must be like with all her cool Characters! Two Thumbs Up! Creative ideas - Rogue-Scribe

  • I enjoyed the roleplay with her quite a bit, and I'm sad to see that it has stopped.
    It is definitely worth to start a roleplay with her, it's fun and descriptive. Thank you. - Beenwritingtoomuch

  • Let me just say that this girl... Ohhhhh my gosh this girl! She is amazing! Super patient, and very quick to reply or answer your questions! She is super open to almost everything and that's part of everything I love about her! PastelGalaxy, keep being awesome!!! <3 - JacksonHallow87

  • Me and her have so much in common and I already love her! (As a friend) she's kind and I can already tell she cares about the people around her. She's knew and I totally suggest you talk to her because she simply ROCKS! <3 :) - StarHope