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Kudos for FandomsForDays

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • Amazing roleplayer. I love her characters they are all so interesting if you wanna roleplay with someone this is the perfect person! Creative ideas Wonderful writer - Scarletwolf

  • It's so fun to roleplay with FandomForDays because even in OOC I find we have a lot in common. It's easy to lead the roleplay on and not have every attempted plot shut down due to the other person just not caring. I love roleplaying and revealing my worlds and it's so much fun to show is to someone who actually enjoys it. Kind and understanding Long posts - Caztel

  • First of all, she's a very fun person to RP with! It happens sometimes when a RP will lose its spark after a while, but not with this person because she always keeps it enjoyable! Each of her replies are filled with imagination and you're always invited to discover the world her characters are breathing in.

    Speaking of her characters, they're so charming! I like how they never leave you out and always interact with your characters which is an important trait I like.

    Do give her a try! - DancingWithAStranger

  • FandomsForDays is a great role player. Everytime I get a message from them I get to happy. They're descriptive and always can make me smile. Our 3 rps never get old. They're all so creative and diffrent in there own ways. Creative ideas Wonderful writer - NortherStar