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Kudos for Nivela

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • While my interactions with Nivela have been short, and we haven't RPed, they have always been a wonderfully cheery person to speak to OOC and always very understanding. Since they came to RPR they have fit right in and have shown themself to be an overall lovely person. Kind and understanding Creative ideas - Kruhee

  • Despite having the rp on halt, Nivela had put up excellent detail and paragraphs during the rp so I think they deserve kudos for that. I really hope to continue the rp again but other than that, amazing work from before~ Wonderful writer Drives the plot forward - FrootLoops

  • I have to tell ya, this is one friendly gal! Interesting to talk to and just from talking a short while, she has a unique fire about her. Creative and open-minded, I can tell that she will not only bring the best out of me but out of anyone who wants at collab with her! Two thumbs up dammit!

    That's my shout out :) <3 - KingTai

  • Nivela has been here for such a short amount of time, and I already LOVE HER! Every time I get a reply from her, I get excited just to read it, and just as excited as I read it a second time! Her characters are lovely, and the way she writes makes me keep coming back for more!

    She's a very friendly person in OOC as well! If you're looking for a RP partner, she is worth your time! - Weffle