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Kudos for Spazzle

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • Caspian (played by Spazzle)
    Love the page layout and the character himself. So handsome. I hope to meet him one day! - Nex

  • A dear friend over the years, she's someone I can go to whenever I need to just talk and I know she'll give me an honest opinion. Ashley doesn't hide her thoughts and I love her for that. Her roleplay is lovely and some of my best roleplay memories come from my ones with her. On top of the fantastic roleplay and unfaltering loyalty she shows as a friend, there are very few people I feel comfortable speaking with about certain matters. But I can go to her without fear of being judged. - Maddi

  • This girl has a heart of gold, and a hilarious personality to boot.
    It has been my pleasure to get to roleplay with and speak to this lovely lady.

    Here is to more adventures! - Nelianelly

  • This girl.. I could eat up!
    I don't care how bad that sounds honestly!
    She is a doll oocly and her characters are just awesome. They have a certain flare to them that just makes you giggle.
    Can you fan girl over her stuff, why yes yes you can!
    Spazzle your adorable and awesome both oocly and icly! Keep up the awesome work. - Nekomanics