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Kudos for Arokai

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • I have known this wonderful person for well over two years and it has been a blessing to get to know them both IC and OOC. They have always been supportive and understanding during times of struggle and offered their ear when things are extremely tough.

    I highly recommend them for those seeking humor and the unexpected. Bringing an engaging role-play that allows character growth and a chance to escape the realities of being an adult. Kind and understanding Great sense of humor - Pretty_Bird

  • Rath (played by Arokai)
    The ever so stupid, yet daring and loyal gladiator. A Watson to his Sherlock perhaps, in his incessant admiration of Ailuin and his loyalty to the man to defend him if need be. Ailuin has grown fond of him fast, but it's only likely due to him praising and constantly being wowed by Ailuins clever little plans that he dotes out for Rath to play along with...

    Then again, at least he warns him of others plans as well to pull his strings like a puppet? Great sense of humor Long-term partner - Michonne

  • Rath (played by Arokai)
    I haven't known him long, but from what I've seen he's a good long term partner. And he's got amazing post quality with good stories and twists! Not only that but ALWAYS rearing to go for another twist in the story. For this reason alone, I give him my kudos and wish him a merry holiday. Wonderful writer Drives the plot forward - Michonne