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Kudos for Ypres

  • Ypres says his first language isn't English, though I question that! His writing style is beautiful and easy to follow. Though I have only encountered one of them, I think it's safe to assume that all of his characters are as engaging, entertaining, and as creative as the one I have had the pleasure of RPing with. He's a kind soul and if you ever try to chat him up OOCly, you won't regret it. - Meedleboot

  • A good and understanding friend, with the exact kind of humor I like, who always has an open ear for me if I need advice, attention or just somebody to listen. Brainstorming with him when it comes to plots, character designs, or actually about anything - is always fun and productive. If you do not knowthis wonderful person by now, go and chat him up :P - Jane