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Forums » Art & Creativity » Sharing Skyrim profile template

H'Zaja (played anonymously)

Multiple people know I made this template, but I can't share it with epic members the traditional way. My player name will pop up and I want to keep that a secret. Instead I share the code here for you. If you have Epic Membership you just have to copy and paste this code and make your own template. :) Erase everything in the CSS box before you put this template's code in.

You can see a live preview of it on H'Zaja's profile.

Template is modified from the 'Treasure on the High Seas' template, in case anyone wonders. Although it no longer bears much resemblance to the original.
body { background: url( no-repeat top center fixed; background-color:#0a0401; color: #090401; text-align: center; font-family: "Lucida Bright", Georgia, serif; } h1,h2.pagetitle, h3 {font-weight: normal;} h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 {color: #223C43;} a {color: #223C43;} a:hover {color: #42850D;} #sitecontainer {background: url( repeat; padding: 0px; float: none; margin: auto auto; width: 800px; padding-bottom: 20px;} #sitecontainer, #header-and-content-container {min-width: 800px;} #toolbar, #charcontent, #charheader,#footer {float: none;} #toolbar {background: none; font-size: .8em;} #charcontent, #charheader {text-align: left; 10px; width: 90%; padding:0px 5%;} #leftheaderside,#rightheaderside {display: none;} .portraitcontainer {margin: 0px; margin-right: 25px;} #charheader h1 {margin-top: 0px; padding-top: 0px;} ul#pagetabs li {margin: 0px 10px;} /* Dropdownmenus */ #toolbar ul#toolbar-dropdown-nav a,#charheader ul.nestedPages a {color: #223C43;text-decoration: none; background: none;} ul#toolbar-dropdown-nav, #charheader ul.nestedPages {background-color: #D5D9D2; border: 0px; border: 1px solid #223C43;} ul#toolbar-dropdown-nav li,#charheader ul#pagetabs li ul.nestedPages li{padding:5px 20px; width: 150px; text-align: left; font-weight: normal;} #toolbar ul#toolbar-dropdown-nav .dropdown-hover,#charheader ul.nestedPages .dropdown-hover {background: #223C43;} #toolbar ul#toolbar-dropdown-nav .dropdown-hover a,#charheader ul.nestedPages .dropdown-hover a {color: #D5D9D2;} .currentPage {font-style: italic;} .currentPage li {font-style: normal;} /* Widgets */ ul.inUseWidgets li.widget ul.vitalstats, li#nowidgets ul li {margin-left: 0px;} ul.inUseWidgets ul.bbcode_list li {padding-left: 20px; margin-left: 0px; margin-bottom: 10px;} ul.inUseWidgets li.widget ul.vitalstats li, li#nowidgets ul li {margin-bottom: 10px;} table.flexstatstable .filleddisc {background-color: #ffe79c;border: 2px outset #b4821d;width: 6px;padding-left: 8px;} table.flexstatstable .emptydisc {background-color: #370c03; border: 3px solid #370c03;width: 6px; padding-left: 6px;} table.flexstatstable td.statlabel,table.flexstatstable td.statlevel {border: 1px solid #b2a280;} /* BBCode */ .bbcode_collapse .collapse_name {border-bottom: 1px dashed #223C43; color: #223C43;} .bbcode_collapse .collapse_name:hover {border-bottom: 1px dashed #42850D; color: #42850D;} .bbcode_spoiler {background: #090401;color: #090401;}

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