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Forums » RP Discussion » Game RPs

I don't get to play many game RPs, beside Elderscrolls I mean. So heres a list of RPs I'd like to play, and of course if you're interested that doesn't mean you need a character that matches the genre. Like if you have a ninja I have an assassin creed character in mind. The two can go together easy enough. So just contact me if you're interested in one of the ideas.

- Fallout (Basically any post apocalyptic character will do.)

- Assassin Creed (Assassins, ninjas, thieves or any kind of stealth character.)

- Gears of war

- Halo / Mass Effect (Sci-fi characters)

- Call of duty (WW2) (This could be a plane, tank, or infantry RP. Actually I have a kinda cool RP idea for this one. Though it would work better if female. Doesn't have to be 18+, just think a female would fit the role better. Basically me, a solider in Europe, has been separated from my company and need an escort out. I don't know the area, so I need help getting away from the Nazis)

- Jak (This is a maybe)

- The N64 game golden eye. I was thinking maybe try and play the levels though here. As a team kinda, you know? There would be some rules, depending on who and how many want to play. Also, will be needing bond girls, jk ladies...unless you really want to be one, then by all means. lol

Now these aren't games but they're still pretty good ideas.

Have you ever read the book 'DIES THE FIRE'? Great book, if you have then contact me and we can put together an RP. Basically, for those who do not know what the book is about, all electric items stop working, no power can be generated, cars won't start, and guns won't shoot. The whole world is thrown back into the dark ages. There will be lions, tigers and bears (oh my) that the zoo keepers had to set free, cannibals that could no longer find real food, slaves, warlords, and so much more.

This one is all my idea. Something I would like to call guardians. Everyone will have a being from the past whether it being from yesterday or the first caveman. Man, animal or bug. These guardians help protect those who they are assigned to. There's a stroy I got for this one and there are more ruels for it as well.

I don't have all of the characters quite yet. They're in my mind, and I'll put them in when someone says their interested in one of the RPs

I could probably minorly tweak a character to set up a seperate continuity from her main, to fit the WW2 one, although I haven't played Call of Duty XD I just know more than I'd like about that time period.
Sanne Moderator

Fallout? Fallout! Witness set up this group and we'll soon be able to get started on the roleplaying bits!
berserker544 Topic Starter

Sanne wrote:
Fallout? Fallout! Witness set up this group and we'll soon be able to get started on the roleplaying bits!

My character is post NRC...I was going to join up, but the fourm is too early in the game

Here is Natasha's alternate version, for the CoD one :) Still obviously a very large work in progress, but I can easily flesh her out as it goes along.
berserker544 Topic Starter

Sounds good

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