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Forums » Epic Week 2023 » I have a theory, hear me out.

These two...are...
These two.
(Rapunzel and Eugene)

RPR opened its' doors on April 24, 2010.
Tangled released 2010 as well...

Hm. Is this my Tangled brain just being Tangled-y or am I on to something? /hj
I like this conspiracy. There was also a Tangled clue in a prism .....
twistedvictorian Topic Starter

The outfit of the male character looks like the Eugene's Season 2 outfit, the blue color, the shoulderpiece, Plus the brown hair with a similar style. The outfit of the female character looks like Rapunzel's movie/Season 1 outfit, and the blonde, braided hair looks a lot like her hairstyle too. The voice reminds me of Rapunzel's high pitched voice as well. They are both traveling together, and you hardly ever see Rapunzel and Eugene away from each other. (Unless something's wrong! <_<)

I could be just over-analyzing the characters here, but they do have A LOT in common.

Ha ha, I was the one that entered that Tangled Symbol riddle. ;)

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