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Forums » Smalltalk » Dream #18: Darkness

Hello all 🤗,

I don't usually post these things. Maybe I did, but don't remember. Anyway, Hibari by here. Just wanted to share with you guys a dream I had recently. I feel kinda heavy about it, or maybe I'm just still sleepy, so forgive me if my writing's terrible.

Soooo, this is how it went...


It is still unclear what happened, but I remember our family preparing... preparing for the moment of judgement, for the world to end.

We went to church. We gathered there; I, with my mother and sister and my brother with my father. We prayed deeply to the Lord for our sins. We repented and cried for His mercy; especially myself who just recently sinned and have done wrong against him. My heart was filled with fear.

As we, my sister, my mother, and I, finally got our turn on the kneeler, we were re-baptized--our heads sheathed with a thick blanket as we were showered with holy water to wash away our many sins. We prayed and prayed until the time came. However, when it did, we were still there. We were still alive.

As we got up from the kneeler, the next thing I knew was that the world has finally changed. We all survived judgement, but our earth would never be the same. It will never see the sun again. As what people were saying, darkness will forever take the earth. No more will there be sunlight or sunshine. But will we even survive without the light?

We may have survived judgement, but this felt more like a nightmare than a good dream.


Scientifically, we would really d i e without the sun, but hypothetically, just imagine how life would be without sunlight, without sunshine, without mornings! 🌞💔

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