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Forums » Looking for RP » Apocalypse Found Family RP (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Joot (played by Jooters)

The world as we know it has ended. Every major city in shambles and disarray. Everyone fighting for themselves just to eat food or live another day.

Your character was scavenging one day, only to hear crying from underneath a small pile of rubble. Underneath was none other than a young cat anthro.


Can add zombies if wanted, or maybe something like Changed where it's more like a furry virus. Pm if interested! Human characters are allowed, although setting WILL contain anthros.
Magic 10%
On very, very, rare occasions there may be unexplained, POSSIBLY supernatural events. Minor "environmental" magic. Perhaps implies the existence of a deity or supernatural entity. Or perhaps it's just tricks?
Technology 50%
Combat 60%
Combat is woven into the storyline and could come to the forefront if the characters seek it out.
Romance 00%
No romance at all will be included in this plot, period.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred. Will be played one-on-one.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Apocalypse Found Family RP (closed)

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Claine, Sanne, Ben, Darth_Angelus