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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The Celestial Observatory (Closed)

Crepito (played anonymously)

"Ciela, the name reminds me of the sky for some reason." Mint smiled, "I simply followed the stars, in my experience of finding this place. Oh, and I have snuck out from the watch of my bodyguards and advisor." Mint winked, putting his index finger on his lips as to say 'keep it a secret!' and grinned mischievously, though it didn't look too full of mischief. He clearly did not leave his advisor and bodyguards' watch to be rebellious, but just because of curiosity.
Anonymous (played anonymously) Topic Starter

“Oh dear! Well, I do hope they are not too worried. There is no reason to be because of here but I do suggest telling them next time.”
Crepito (played anonymously)

Mint frowned a bit, "My advisor, Stark, he worries too much about everything I do. He insists I do not know better."
"And the bodyguards, while they are understanding, they are...very overprotective to the point I can hardly walk out of my bedroom without them guarding me." Mint sighed.

Mint smiled again though, "It'll be okay though."
Anonymous (played anonymously) Topic Starter

“They do so out of duty and love, I am sure.” The Keeper insists. “I used to scorn my own mother for being as both traits. But I have come to realize that she only did so out of affection.” She offers some treats to Mint.
Crepito (played anonymously)

Mint gently took a said treat, and smiled, though it was a bit of a sad one. "I suppose."
"Why are you so fascinated with the stars?" Mint curiously asked, his big eyes looking up at The Keeper.
Anonymous (played anonymously) Topic Starter

“My fascination came from when I was a teenager. I already had this Observatory before then and I thought stars were simply a beautiful aesthetic. But one night, I saw my first clear sky of stars in one big blanket. The grandest display of a Sovereign's hand I had ever seen. It left me awestruck. Completely changed. And so I came to love the stars, knowing that each of them has a name. Just as we do.”
Crepito (played anonymously)

Mint's eyes lit up with excitement, "They do? They have names?"
"That is so amazing! Stark has never told me such a thing."

"He almost seems as if he hates the stars." Mint said about Stark.
Anonymous (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"Every single one does, yes. However, no mortal knows what they are. So when astronomers assign names to them, they are simply guessing. We may never know their true names however."
Crepito (played anonymously)

Mint tilted his head back to look up at the crystal ceiling again, looking at the stars.
"Wow, that'" Mint was speechless. "If only I could ask them, that would be great."
Crepito (played anonymously)

(( Also!! In-case you didn't notice, did you know that Crepito, or Mint, is actually a living star? :) Hence his strong connection with the stars.
He does not know this (and no one except for Stark, his advisor, knows) and has forgotten everything about the stars and his past. He thinks he is just a immortal being with magical powers to bless his followers. :) ))
Anonymous (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"Perhaps someday we can ask the One who made them." She smiles, looking up at the aurora borealis over their heads. "But until then I am content with simply admiring them and reading about them."
Anonymous (played anonymously) Topic Starter

'Well my darlings... it is that time." The Keeper gives each guest a treat bag and a small invitation affixed to it with a golden bow. "I am afraid I must close my doors to the public. But fear not... show me that invitation and you shall gladly be let in! I hope to see you all again very soon." The door closes gently and locks. You look to the invitation and you see a curious looking message. It simply says,
" "

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