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Forums » Help » General Forum: 18+ or not 18+

Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone,
out of curiousity if one was to write an open RP or a RP via invitation on General Forum - General Roleplay section but visible for others to read, do we need to put a warning for 18+ and is there any steps and cautions when writing on a public forum such as this?
Here's a bit from the pinned forum post in the Adult's Only forum.
Kim wrote:
Content that exceeds the PG-13ish rating of the public portions of the site need to be taken to private messages, into a properly marked group, or even off site.
In other words, the content posted in the public forums must be family friendly. :) You can't put warnings for mature content in there.
To add to what Crowe shared, all the General RP Repository Forums are 'PG-13'.

Forum Rules
Forum Ratings

Private Groups can have a 16+, 18+, or 21+ age limit on them for joining. ↓

VedikaD Topic Starter

I see, thank you Crowe and Dawnia I genuinely appreciate it! 🙌🏻

You are on: Forums » Help » General Forum: 18+ or not 18+

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