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Forums » Looking for RP » Waves of Romance

Jaycee Johnson (played anonymously)

Hello there everyone!
I made I new character that I'm wanting to try out. Here's some basic info on him.
Jaycee Jones Johnson
- 18 to 20 years old
- Bisexual (Female lean)


In the vibrant, heart of the small town of Captiva Island, Florida; Jaycee started out a new life after fleeing foster care when he was seventeen. He refused to be passed around through foster homes. So he ran, becoming a runaway refugee of the law that night. But he found a group of kids that he would fit along with pretty much right away.

That group was known as The Reffers—a small tight-knit group of misfits just like himself, and they were his family now. He wouldn't want to be anywhere else. The group had all been in foster care at some point in their lives. The groups leader, Landon was the one in charge of the house. It was his uncle's house. But his uncle had moved to Louisiana to do work for better money at a casino. But he would send the boys money to live as long as they kept up on the house and the fishing for Landon's uncle. And the boys would get whatever money would come in from fishing as well.

They lived on the edge of the coast in a beach house, in a more poor neighborhood
but they made do with what they had. It wasn't a lot but it was better than the governments care or prison. The learned to navigate between being rebellious teenagers and learning their own survival survival skills. Always laughing their way through their struggles; well laughing and drinking, smoking, partying, and whatever rebellious teenagers do at their age.

They use their neighbors, friends, and the land to guide them through what they need to do. Though one evening at a party on the beach that the rich kids were hosting, the Reffers snuck into the party dressed in disguise as rich kids. They did this often to trying to blend in and get the girls of the rich boys.

Between the pounding bass of the music and the drunk dancing of the teenagers flooding the beach the boys looked around and that's when Jaycee saw them. They finally laid eyes on (YOUR MUSE, YM). YM was new to the small coastal island. Their family was on the richer side and they had quickly struck up a relationship with on of the top rich kids known as, Rack. But his real name was Alex.

Alex and Jaycee had never had a good relationship. Especially since this past month Jaycee had been one of the main reasons Alex had crashed his parents boat. The Reffers had something that the rich group wanted, but they weren't about to give it up. The rich group had charged the Reffers in their speed boat, and Jaycee shot at them. Causing Alex to swerve into a sand bed hard. Causing lots of damage to their speed boat. But Landon was able to get them out of their and they never looked back to that day. Alex had to take the blame, though the incident was still under investigation.

Despite this incident it wasn't going to stop Jaycee. He was starting to drink and he walked right up to YM. He introduced himself and things were starting to go good between them. Though it didn't take long for Alex to step between Jaycee and YM. Tensions began to grow—the disapproval from Alex was prominent. The tension was pulsing through the air amongst Alex's aura. He began to circle them boy and pushed YM to go so they wouldn't witness this.

"I don't want you hanging around my partner." Alex boomed into Jaycee's face. The tension only growing as it didn't take long for a fight to start...


This plot if open to many possibilities!
YM could try to break up the fight or jsut watch in shock. They could dump Alex because of the fight and the way the rich kids treat the Reffers. Alex could also be a girl or boy, so can you character! We can go into more details.

If you are interested in this plot, please DM me instead of reply to this. I respond faster to dms! I'm excited to try out this character and plot!
Magic 00%
No magic at all.
Technology 50%
Combat 50%
Combat is expected as part of the storyline but it won't dominate the plot.
Romance 70%
Romance is required, but may take some time to develop. For example: slow burn RPs.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

Jaycee Johnson (played anonymously) Topic Starter


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