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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The Village of Smoscrow

[Set up]There is a menace in this small little village. Every night livestock seems to vanish only to be found the next morning gnawed upon by some kind of creature. The local trackers and hunters have found the tracks of some kind of beast, a large one at that, that is living in the thick forest near the woods but have yet be unsuccessful in capturing it. No one really knows what it is And though the some village people are scared for their life the casualties have only been the largest livestock. No goats, nor people have been harmed while this beast hunts at night. However, in desperation the local guard has posted a reward for capture of the beast that has the power to slaughter and drag away bulls cows, and even horses. 500 gold for bringing it back alive. 100 for bringing back it's head.

Dusk falls and as the people of the village retire for the night Volvoreta emerges from the little den she made near the bank of a river. Standing up at her full 9' 8" height she stretches a few stiff joings popping here and there. Shaking her thick fur out a bit she decided to head back to the village to pick up her next meal. Tonight she was dressed in her animal skin hunting attire. just a pair of leather pants and shirt though they were looking a little tattered and had probably seen better days.

As she came upon the village she scanned the stables and pastures looking for a suitable. kill. These domestic animals were very easy or this apex predictor to kill and for that she was grateful to the townsfolk. In her mind she was doing nothing wrong and these animals were set out so she could have her pick. Or at least that's how she saw it. Ah there it was the perfect prey for tonight. A large bull. Crouching down low her muscles coiled like a spring. with out a sound she burst out of the brush charging the bull and slamming her full weight into it's side knocking it's feet out from under it and breaking a few ribs in the process. Her large clawed hand struck out slicing cleanly into the flesh and ripping out the bulls throat. With her pre now dead she dragged it back off to the forest to enjoy her meal.";
(Me oh my this does look interesting. And I know just the character to use for this escapade. If I shall be allowed to partake in this excitement?)
Volvoreta Obomsawin (played by Varoona) Topic Starter

[oh it's totally open hehe feel free to jump in]
Very well then. I shall post my opener when I get a chance. I'll be having my daughter this week so who knows when I'll be able to. Heh. And so you know, my character of choice shall be Alex should you wish to see what'll be coming. I do also have a second character in mind I could potentially use as well to spice things up. Heh.
Volvoreta Obomsawin (played by Varoona) Topic Starter

(I look forward to your post then)
(Well. Sorry this took awhile. Hectic things make me busy. But here I am. Finally. As I spoke.)

He stood crouched on the roof of a near by building quietly watching as the kill took place. He wasn't from the area but when he arrived, he was informed of this creature and it sparked his interest leading him to investigate. As he watched the creature take down the bull effortlessly, he smirked a bit. A simple case of predator getting it's prey. He honestly saw no harm in it but if the village wanted to raise such a commotion about it, he figured he'd do what he could to help. As the creature dragged the bull into the woods, he leapt down silently from the roof and followed. Being downwind, he wasn't worried about the creature picking up his scent. Lightly jogging he silence, he neared the edge of the woods the creature disappeared into and entered. He would walk on forwards being careful to avoid making as much noise as possible as he stayed far enough back where the creature and it's meal were barely in sight.
Volvoreta Obomsawin (played by Varoona) Topic Starter

She had dragged her meal into a small cave and started to skin it. Her claws slid though the thick bull hide like a hot knife though butter. Pealing it off of the carcass she laid it to one side to work with later. With her powerful hands she striped the meat from the bone and laid back against the cave wall relaxing as she devoured her meal. It took Volvoreta only 30 minutes to finish off half of the hearty bull. However, before she closed her eyes to take a nap she took special care to remove the sinew and tendons and laid them atop the skin as well. She would likely use this for Clothing or something o the like. Leaving the rest alone she sat back and put her hands behind her head taking a nice little snooze after such a large meal.
He had followed the creature into the cave and watched as it had eaten. Once he seen it was now taking a nap, he perked a brow and silently and slowly approached. Looking at the half eaten bull he grinned softly. He then leaned down and picked up a rock and threw it towards the creature making it hit the near ball wall.
Volvoreta Obomsawin (played by Varoona) Topic Starter

Retta Started as she heard the clack on the rocky wall and looked around. Crouching a little bit and wiping the blood from her hands and mouth she looked around the cave trying to find the intruder. Even crouched down she was huge. Almost as tall as a full grown man. As the moon moved across the sky some of the light reflected off of a silvery butterfly shaped marking on her forehead. She sniffed the air searching for the intruder with her powerful nose. "Qui vadit ibi? Quid vultis a me? Ostende te. Si non inveniam vos. Promitto quod." she said in Latin amazingly
He chuckled a bit stepping over towards the half eaten bull and looked towards the huge creature.

"Apparently you speak. Now the question you speak a language I can understand? And why only half? I'm sure you coulda finished it off." he asked commenting about the half eaten bull.

He then looked towards the creature again and chuckled a bit.

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