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Forums » Smalltalk » What weird stuff have you heard at work?


We all hear stuff that makes us gape. I work in game retail. Yesterday it seemed like there was a city wide gas leak. \"i need a charger for my gamecube.\" \"do you mean a power cord?\" \"no, a charger. I can only charge like 4 of my gamecube games.\" \"...?\" or another good one. Preowned wii. \"what game comes with it?\" \"none.\" \"but the sign says...\" \"that is on the new wii, maam. It costs 60$ more.\" \"i want that one then.\" \"would you like to buy a warranty?\" \"no. If it breaks i can bring it back, right?\" \"...if you buy a warranty.\" \"thats so weird!!!!\" lets see, what else. \"do you have the xbox mario game?\" \"sorry, mario is nintendo exclusive.\" \"no it isnt! I played it on my friends xbox!!\" hm... Others. \"i want a game for my grandson.\" \"what system does he have.\" \"i dont know anything about this.\" \"is it portable?\" \"i dont know anything about this.\" \"does he play it in the car?\" \"yes.\" \"what color is it?\" \"blue.\" \"probably ds then. Here are our ds games.\" \"i dont know anything about this.\" (sorry have to 2post)
Minerva Topic Starter

"what kind of games does heplay?" "i dont know anything about..." "okay, what tvs or movies does he like?" "i dont know anything about this." "... ... old is he?" "8." "mario is a safe, fun, family friendly bet and pokemon encourages friendship while teaching strategy and encouraging basic reading." "i dont know anything about this." *grabs mario* "this. He'll like it." "i dont know.." "TRUST ME." have you ever met your grandson?!
Me? I don't deal with customers. But we do weird and stupid things.

For three days, we debated "What do we do, if when we get back, the world has been over run by zombies?" There were three watch sections. Each one had unofficially designated leaders, officially designated people required to survive, as well as people required to bring to sacrifice on high risk suicide missions. As well as people to be used for slave labor. Each watch section also had separate plans on how to A. Secure the boat. This included the acquisition of firearms and weapons. Strategic decisions on when to strike. How to successfully undermine and end the plans and resistance of opposing watch sections. B. What to do once we had the boat. Where we would go. What we would do when we got there. How to survive. C. Supplies we would have to acquire before returning to sea to make the plan work. Who would go. Who would not make it back. (Even if they survive the task, they would not make it back on board). Sub-groups also developed, taking care to align themselves to more then one side, ensuring the highest probability of survival.

My division also formed a motorcycle club based off Sons of Anarchy. The president was decided, as he had both a handgun and a motorcycle. The Vice President because he had a motorcycle. The treasurer because he had a handgun. Following this decision, the first and only order of business:
C : "And F? You're our prospect."
F : "But D said I'd be a full member."
C : "You will be. Just have to earn it."
F : "What? No. He said I'd have an actual jacket."
D : "It is an actual club jacket. It will just say Prospect at the bottom."
F : "I don't want in on this anymore."
D : "That's fine. We'll just have to jump you out first."
F : "I was NEVER jumped in!"
C : "Okay, so to get out, we first jump you in, then jump you out."
D : "Don't worry. We'll let you throw the first punch."
F : "This is ridiculous! I don't want to be a prospect."
D : "Then let us jump you out."

There were no jackets. EVER.
Dies laughing, crawls away clutching my aching sides, tears of laughter that hasn't been shed in weeks pouring down like rain.

"THank you... I needed this so much..."

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