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Ketin Clarke (played anonymously)

Apparently the folks in the armored trucks were getting tired of the show. In a somewhat surprising turn of events, they had witnessed the militant figure vanquish the inky phenomena that the madman in the hat had somehow manifested. This would typically constitute victory on the former's behalf - but madness was never a trait to take lightly. Besides; for years, their sole target had been evading and escaping them using, among many others, that tactic. Oldest trick in the book and DEU Agent Kallenger was not going to fall for it. (Not to mention that she had not actually heard the declaration of yielding - for all she knew he was just taking a quick break to brace for another strange manifestation.)

Besides, this nonsense was going to have to end - not only was there a clear threat to their mission leaning against a lightpost, but this scuffle had been the first sign of life she had seen since realizing she was in this strange place. Naturally she wanted information - surely someone here would be able to explain something, right?

And so DEU Agent Kallenger decided that she was going to end this - apparently she and her soldiers were pretty confident in themselves. After having been merely sitting there, idling and observing for the past few minutes, finally a sound would echo from the vehicle in the form of an authoritative woman's voice over a loudspeaker.

"This is Imperial Special Agent Peacekeeping Unit 14. Under the order of the Empire cease and desist all hostile actions immediately or you will be fired upon!"

As those words echoed piercingly through the streets, the front doors of all three trucks opened and more ebony uniformed soldiers stepped out to take cover behind said doors, and aim their weapons like a firing squad in the direction of the 'hostiles'. All helmeted and masked, five guns in all - three honed in on the jester, one on the militant Ranger, and one scanning the treeline to aim alternately at whoever he may have found hiding there, if anyone.
The driver of the center truck had also stepped out, appearing to be a rather un-feminine woman with close cropped black hair, dressed in sharp business attire and a long black coat to finish the look. She held the microphone in her hand as she surveyed the area, the spiral cord winding into the cab ceiling from her cover behind the door.

She repeated the words again, though with a slightly stronger inflection.

The soldiers would open fire on anything they deemed to be a hostile gesture. Of course, the effect of those words and the guns that backed them up was entirely dependent on the reactions of those at the business end of the barrels.
Dawson Guidio (played by EpicMan561)

A flash of light, and a loud bang pierced the night.

On a light post, balancing neatly, was a figure shrouded by darkness. A gunshot came from there, apparently.

"Enough." the figure said, voice low and somewhat fearsome.
Ketin Clarke (played anonymously)

True to the Imperial Agent's words, the very second that flash lit up the night and the bang echoed through the city, five soldiers - who's masks had shielded their eyes from the flash - immediately trained their weapons on the newly appeared figure and opened fire simultaneously.

With a rate of fire reminiscent of 900 rounds per minute and pinpoint accurate spiraled barrels, they certainly constituted a great deal of concentrated fire. Having been trained for years in their marksmanship, it was unlikely that they would miss their mark - if the target moved, it would not matter how fast - the soldiers' electromagnetic locators that exemplified their specialization would track the movements.

They would keep shooting until they achieved their intended result, or something else halted them. If it really came down to it, the inner doors were lined with ammunition, and there would be only a short pause between the relentless barrage.

After all, she had warned them clearly that hostile actions would be immediately retaliated - considering that the newcomer ceased his introduction at crouching on the lightpost, it seemed only reasonable that she keep her word and go through with it. There would have been no time for thinking.
Dawson Guidio (played by EpicMan561)

He didn't move. All that happened was a hole in his stomach, and a dry smirk. "I expected better, you know." he mutters, blankly.

And he fell. Dropped to the ground.

A small trail of blood, and a missing, metal arm were all he left behind, as he was snatched up by a bright flash. The light remained for a while. It was some sort of primal teleportation, obviously. Luckily, he had just joined KNYFE, else he'd be dead on the ground. But he had, and they found him in time.
Mad Ranger - CL (played by FALLEN_) Topic Starter

Then crap started to hit the fan...
As soon as the Ranger struck the ground, expanding the energy field around him violently, the voice of the new intruders could be heard, echoing to what appeared miles from that point.
While the Joker was stating his defeat, at least, trying to bluff about it, the Assailant had a crazier plan to take on the armored convoy WITH the Clown fellow... That until he heard the heavy gunfire...

"I don't know who the <beep> you are, honestly..." -- He muttered towards the Joker. "But if you want to have some fun later, take those weirdos to somewhere safe while I'll distract those <beepers> back there."
Smartly taking a Quick Dispersion Heated Smoke Grenade from his tattered trench coat, the Ranger slowly stood to his feet as the soldiers tried to mow down on the lone figure that had just shown up from nowhere...

Raising his hands with the Smoke Bomb under his sleeve, the Ranger turned himself towards the convoy, as he slowly began walking towards it.

"This is, uh... The Secret VIP Search & Rescue unit! I am... I... ? WE! are... err... Pursuing a... High risk target... !?"
... That was a pretty bad bluff... But for some reason not the Ranger himself could understand, it would give some time for the curious overlookers around to run away. Such heroism.
(Jesus Christ, I stay out for one day and suddenly everyone is going to jail haha! Awesome posts guys!)

Sierra never thought that a series of crazy stuff could happen in just a matter of MINUTES.
"Wow, this dude surreally goes by his fame. No wonder people are paying their <beep> off for his head!" She thought, while remembering the events that had sent her to the current predicament just because THE RANGER WAS THERE.

First, she had observed the guy from afar, until the strawberry blonde girl joined her, scared as hell. Just a few minutes later, she was being sucked in the ground, but that was easy for her to get rid of - Though she wondered how the others, specially being humans - or so she assumed - could so easily jump onto trees like scared cats. She chuckled under her breath at that.

Sierra then smiled curiously when she saw a girl similar to a Social Justice Warrior trying to help the German who was already at the trees. When the scared boy asked if he could fly, Sierra thought about revealing herself on the same tree, but thought better so she just waited.

...But she waited too much. As if to make things worse, dangerous men of the peacekeeper unit had arrived, pointing guns at everyone. Sierra Smirked.

"...Gods, I'll make sure to kill this man twice" - she said whilst smashing the "Wanted Post" for the ranger in her hands, then raised her arms when the personnel of the unit aimed at her and the others at the trees.

...That's until her target, The Ranger, decided to play hero. Sierra decided that even so, she wouldn't run. Her hands hastily went to her hidden scabbard as she waited for the perfect moment to strike anyone who could stand between her and the ranger.
Dawson Guidio (played by EpicMan561)

(I know. I was wondering where you went. XD)
Nightingale (played by RayaneFelix)

Not so far from our current center of strife, a woman in white clothes and an epic smirk stood on the tallest building. Having just arrived from a portal to this strange world, the woman and her companion - her Warg, a being that resembled a colossal white wolf - decided to stand there and observe the events.

This woman, known in her world as 'Nightingale', had seen every one of them. The tattooed woman decided that she liked the Ranger, he had some guts to try to stop the mad clown...
...Only to sacrifice his time and his back to put a bunch of misfits to safety. That, she could respect, even if she barely knew the man. Though this was not her business, and she had no idea who the bad guys really were, Night decided that she should trust her guts.

"Well well, what do you say Selenya? We should probably give him a hand if things go for the worst." She said in a cheery voice. With a cocky attitude, Night pointed her gundaggers, knowing that her hostile action could easily make her detectable by the personnel of the unit - For a peacekeeping unit, they were pretty harsh and hostile, ready to kill anyone without further judgment.

Selenya, the warg, just growled lowly - in a manner that only Night could understand, something that shows she is with her partner in this one.

"Shoot, or not shoot... Their fate, in their hands".
Ketin Clarke (played anonymously)

The strobe muzzle flashes of the soldiers' weapons kept a steady stream of bullets on the target, until he - after a surprising sum of resistance and balance - fell from his perch.

What he did after that was of no consequence to Agent Kallenger or any of her soldiers - the five of which once more returned their attention - and their weapons - to the remaining present individuals, namely the figure who was bravely striding toward them.
Agent Kallenger held up a hand, silently ordering her men not to shoot this figure unless ordered or fired upon first.
(The soldier on the far left, who had initially been aiming at various shadows in the woods, had also followed suit and aimed toward the strident masked man. Evidently his heroic scheme had worked, and the folks who were hiding had a golden opportunity to flee the scene to safety.)

There was a long moment of tense silence, Agent Kallenger staring hard at the gaping, hollow red eyes of the newcomer's mask as she listened to his hastily - and poorly - constructed bluff, and the silence hanging for a metaphorical eternity following. The wisps of smoke from the barrels of the soldiers' rifles trailed enchantingly into the night sky, dissipating into air.

Since he was so confident in striding toward them, Kallenger wondered if he could, in fact, be Imperially affiliated. He didn't fit the style, but his attire was vaguely reminiscent of some of the older armors that were used before her time. Perhaps his stuttering excuses were due to nervousness? Even Imperial soldiers were capable of emotions. Maybe he was one of the many who had no reason to know that the DEU existed at all. Really, Kallenger desperately wanted to believe one of those - but it simply didn't add up.

"Are you, or are you not Imperially Affiliated?" Kallenger at last asked - demanded, really - holstering the microphone if he was within relative shouting distance. "And what is the target you're pursuing? I want to be clear that we have no intentions of disrupting your operations so long as they do not interfere with DEUnit engagements. If you will allow such, I'll order my men to stand down and we can speak one-on-one. I only have questions."

The ruse must have worked partially, at least. Clearly the unit had no intention of pursuing the folks who had gathered in the brush, so that was good.
Dawson Guidio (played by EpicMan561)

(Oh, forgot to mention. KNYFE is a government-operated group as well. Weird. -Petrovalyc)
Ketin Clarke (played anonymously)

(The way I see it, the more shady, secretive, powerful governmental organizations, the better!)
Dawson Guidio (played by EpicMan561)

(Hurray. Thank my buddy Spade for that.
While his previous enemy was trying to distract the soldiers with his apparently terrible lying skills, the mad clown didn't gave a damn about what he said to him and just made his way out of there. His leg was just perfect and the fatigue from before was nothing but a lie, so he sneaked through the shadows while no one was looking, hiding into an alleyway.

"Damn those guys, Cid. Now that i have the stone i can finally go back home. Well... I'll need to remember the ritual first, of course."
Feylan (played by Yunn)

Falling into the magic circle from earlier, she had then fallen onto the ground on the other side, surrounded by buildings and things unfamiliar to her. It was not the things she was used to. *Where am I?* She thought as she looked around at the strange big structures.

Before she decided to go any where she had heard loud sounds of gun powder in the distance. Turning towards the sound she then spotted something she has never seen before. It was a huge giant which seemed to have been wearing a some sort of strong armor which covered it's whole body. At the sight she felt her heart race. *Woooaaahhh!!! What is that?! It looks so cool!! I wonder is it shoots big fire balls or something.*

With the giant robot sparking her interests she had no care what had happened to her and started to sprint towards the direction of the gundam. However as she got near, the giant disappeared. "Huh where did it go!?" She let out in a disappointed voice. Dejected she was about to move on back to her original place until...Few moments later a strange device had flung passed her in an unimaginable speed, by her standards. Finding her next toy she began to follow the trucks and hid behind a trashcan in a alleyway, as she saw unknown people.
Athena Cykes (played by EpicMan561)

Athena saw the Joker leave, and decided to follow. Despite her obvious fear, she HAD to. Insane circumstances call for extreme measures. So, she trailed him, silently.
Fallen Warrior Ritzia (played anonymously)

When Ritzia was going to reply the boy she tried to help, she noticed there was another person below.
As the Peace Keeper Unit appeared and had made their move, the mage knight stood there watching. When they had ceased fire, she saw the masked man going forward and talking to the officers.

"Go, you guys should get to safety!" She said to the others near her. Ritzia looked on her surroundings and got sight of the clown fleeing, and a girl following him. "I must go and make sure he won't scheme anymore!"
Christofer was confused. Everything happened so suddenly. Where were all these people coming from? What was going on? The tree might be a bit less safe now. Well... The whole Place was less safe. Even if he had tried to avoid it earlier, now he was definitely surounded, in one way or another.

Hearing the blonde girl's words, it was pretty sure that they'd part again. No explanations whatsoever to the questions in his mind. He didn't get any sort of opinion on the whole dream thing either, but at the moment trying to fly 'for the fun of it' didn't seem very smart, for some reason. A bullet reason.

The German slowly climbed down the tree, trying to avoid being noticed By too many of the surrounding people. He took one more glance at the girl...
"... I wish I could help... But.. I really mean it." He was struggling with words. He hated being useless, but his instincts told him that he couldn't stay there for much longer. "Look. I'm a bit unarmed at the moment, so... .. I'll go get a weapon, but I'll come back to help you."
After saying that the boy crouched down into the bushes and began his sneaking to escape. He hoped that the night and the camo he was lucky enough to be wearing would keep him undetected until he was on safe Waters...
Fallen Warrior Ritzia (played anonymously)

Just when Ritzia was going to follow the clown, the confused boy had told her that he would go get a weapon. The mage knight felt a bit skeptical at first, then decided that she should trust him, he didn't look to be a bad person. Even so, she decided that she would follow the clown in the case this boy decides to flee for good...

"Be careful!" She whispered when he snucked out.

She held into her sword and whispered words in ancient language... Suddenly she became invisible. Then she also made her move, towards the clown.
Sakarixilii (played by brilziana)

(Wow a lot happened while I was gone for twelve hours O.o)
Sakarixilii watched chaos unfold from her place in the trees opposite the other people. She could feel their fear and confusion. She could feel insanity and curiosity run past her- she knew that the clown and his young follower wouldn't see her. She was far more concerned with the Ranger. His emotions seemed unique to her and she wanted to know his story. She wondered if she could do anything to help the situation work out in his favor, but she didn't yet know what the limitations and abilities of this universe were, and as a result she didn't know how her own powers would work.
Mad Ranger - CL (played by FALLEN_) Topic Starter

Snap. The woman actually felt for the terrible bait.
By pure reflex, the Ranger scoffed as he figured out she was actually in doubt about the nature of his operation. Far from some search and rescue, even though he just acted like some sort of guardian.

Yet, mixed feelings soon came to his mind. What about the Joker and the 35.000.000 Cr£ reward?
What if his Smoke Grenade sled from the sleeve?
Who were the red-haired woman that he caught on the corner of his eye moments ago?
What about the high-energy readings coming from different locations from his radar?
Summing up to the current situation, all of those doubts made the Ranger still for a time, giving no more than dead silence as an answer to the woman.

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