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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » hidden in the mist

fox (played by UndertaleLex) Topic Starter

signal storm to stop
sky (played by john-myrick)

*steps out of bathroom wearing nothing but a towel around his waist* storm*glares*
storm (played by UndertaleLex) Topic Starter

sky (played by john-myrick)

Do that again and ill have a new fur coat*returns to bathroom*
fox (played by UndertaleLex) Topic Starter

sky (played by john-myrick)

WATCH ME FOXY BOY......besides its not like I was serious I care far to much about you boys to let anything happen
fox (played by UndertaleLex) Topic Starter

*gets out sniper-rifle* if you ever try i swear
sky (played by john-myrick)

Calm down little buddy you know me big talk but I dont do nothing about it now do you honestly think the man who raised you would hurt those you care about
fox (played by UndertaleLex) Topic Starter

fox (played by UndertaleLex) Topic Starter

*puts up sniper-rifle
sky (played by john-myrick)

Fox ive seen you grow....ive raised you.....and I am highly offended that you'd think for one second id hurt someone you care about.....I thought I taught you better...but I guess I was going for a walk.....*leaves*
storm (played by UndertaleLex) Topic Starter

*runs after sky*
sky (played by john-myrick)

Leave me be storm
storm (played by UndertaleLex) Topic Starter

storm (played by UndertaleLex) Topic Starter

sky (played by john-myrick)

I said leave me be
storm (played by UndertaleLex) Topic Starter

*storm tackles* nope
sky (played by john-myrick)

storm (played by UndertaleLex) Topic Starter

jumps off
sky (played by john-myrick)

*gets up and continues walking*

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