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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » hidden in the mist

sky (played by john-myrick)

Fox im more concerned about you than anything
fox (played by UndertaleLex) Topic Starter

we have each other's back
fox (played by UndertaleLex) Topic Starter

fox (played by UndertaleLex) Topic Starter

runs out with storm*
sky (played by john-myrick)

Good bye........*whispers*my son
fox (played by UndertaleLex) Topic Starter

guard:no kids can go out the town
storm (played by UndertaleLex) Topic Starter

b-but mr-
fox (played by UndertaleLex) Topic Starter

guard:no kids go out without a pass
fox (played by UndertaleLex) Topic Starter

(gtg be back later)
sky (played by john-myrick)

Let them through they had permission
sky (played by john-myrick)

fox (played by UndertaleLex) Topic Starter

thanks sky
fox (played by UndertaleLex) Topic Starter

storm (played by UndertaleLex) Topic Starter

come on fox lets go
sky (played by john-myrick)

Good bye little buddy
fox (played by UndertaleLex) Topic Starter

both in unison:bye sky
storm (played by UndertaleLex) Topic Starter

now lets go fox
fox (played by UndertaleLex) Topic Starter

ok storm
fox (played by UndertaleLex) Topic Starter

*enters city entrance N*
crystal (played by UndertaleLex) Topic Starter

well well well if it isn't fox

You are on: Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » hidden in the mist

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