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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Plumber XYZ

This Rp I would like for to an amalgamation of Ben10,Pokemon,Hellboy universes. Pokemon in this world are like regular animals so to see them on a daily basis in and out of towns, working in shops is the norm but of course rarity of breed still applies. In this Rp you can trainers fights their pokemon in battle as a tag team oof sorts, Mega Evolution will eventually be allowed after ample time spend training and near perfect sync has been achieved between trainer and pokemon. But in this Rp we can take it a step further and some trainers are able to cross-fuse with their pokemon become a single entity, which will be explain later in the story. Trainers still need to be able to defend themselves your pokemon can be injuried, captured and possibly even killed. So keep up with their health is vital. Poisons, paralysis, burns etc all still apply. and linger till treated. Danger is real, bullets to Laser fire exist. Elemental weakness and strengths play a role as well as experience and creativeness play a role. Just because you have a Raichu doesn't mean you will beat every Pikachu.

I will be using Karai Alkaid, a hybrid Necrofriggian(Big Chill)/Earth mutant. And my ace pokemon is Lucario. I have been drafted by the Plumbers Universal Protection Unit and have been assigned to check out an anomaly on Earth, it has lead to a high school called Bellwood Academy....Oh great, a high school, what adventures to be had...

I am looking for 2, 3 Rp's tops. If it goes well I'll think about expanding. Prefer a least a small paragraph minimum, unless in battle. Drop and character and a Starter pokemon and we will see how this goes!!
I will be playing as Ayame Takara, a young 15 year old bellwood student and what seemed to the naked eye a regular teenage girl. Little do the people around her know that she is half anodite (Gwen Tennison) and half Osmosian (Kevin E. Leven). Ayame's trusted and faithful partner is Eevee (she owns up to 3 at tops, one that stays eevee and 2 that will evolve). She is a face that all of the people around her know and in a way care for. Her parents secretly belonged to the plumbers hidden from her as they wanted her to live her life. What will this new school year hold in store for Ayame? Nobody knows, but a new adventure is about to begin...

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