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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » A fight for survival

Jarvis (played by Rudito01) Topic Starter

jarvis got out a pill and ate it. "all your powers are mine now. you are just a mortal now"
Cassie (played by wolfkill11)

Cassie looked at him " Can i kill it "
Jarvis (played by Rudito01) Topic Starter

"have fun" jarvis threw the god to Cassie's feet
Cassie (played by wolfkill11)

Cassie smiled and easily chopped off the gods head. A necklace appeared in her hand and she put it on her neck with the other 5
Jarvis (played by Rudito01) Topic Starter

"nice collection"
Cassie (played by wolfkill11)

" thanks "
Jarvis (played by Rudito01) Topic Starter

'lets get out of here"
Cassie (played by wolfkill11)

Cassie nodded her head. She turned into a dragon " get on "
Jarvis (played by Rudito01) Topic Starter

jarvis jumped on her back
Cassie (played by wolfkill11)

Cassie took off flyin
Jarvis (played by Rudito01) Topic Starter

"lets make a quick stop by Hephaestus's home"
Cassie (played by wolfkill11)

Cassie smiled " okay "
Jarvis (played by Rudito01) Topic Starter

jarvis sat on her back waiting to arrive at Hephaestus
Cassie (played by wolfkill11)

Cassie took off and soon they arrived there
Jarvis (played by Rudito01) Topic Starter

"wait her" jarvis went inside and paid Hephaestus for the rope. he came back out "lets go get Zeus"
Cassie (played by wolfkill11)

Cassie nodded her head
Jarvis (played by Rudito01) Topic Starter

jarvis got on her back again
Cassie (played by wolfkill11)

Cassie took off fast
Jarvis (played by Rudito01) Topic Starter

"this god has to suffer"
Cassie (played by wolfkill11)

Cassie got there. " i know " She turned into a human

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