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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Void Hunters (Closed)

Frost Prime (played by HighJoseph2)

Frost Prime walked through the relay. He needed new weapons, and fast. He grumbled about loosing his soma, lex and glaive all to some silly corrupted. Walking into Darvo's store, his spied a Latron and an ether reaper. "Perfect" he thought. He snatched those off of Darvo's walls, and Darvo shouts "Ay Tenno you have the money for that?"
"No." Frost Prime snapped back at him. Frost shot Darvo in the knee and walked out of his shop.
Nekros Prime (played by ChoujuX)

Nekros Prime strode out from Cephalon Simaris' Sanctuary, his Hate scythe strapped to his back. He turned to his right at the sound of Darvo's scream, and almost ran into a Frost Prime carrying an Ether Reaper and Latron. He raised a hand, his Mortos Binds appearing to writhe with the motion.

"Trouble here?" Nekros asked. His eyes flickered to Frost's Ether Reaper. "Nice scythe."
Frost Prime (played by HighJoseph2) Topic Starter

"Not anymore, and thank you" Frost Prime hastily replied. He walked to the middle of top floor, inbetween the sanctuary and Darvo's shop. He unhooked his Ether Reaper and swung it around. Arcing it's fine translucent blade high into the air, only to quickly slash it downwards. After a few more techniques, Frost Prime returned the Ether Reaper to his back, and calmly shot down the elevator. He calmly walked over to Baro Ki'Teer, to see if he needed any help gathering anything.
Nekros Prime (played by ChoujuX)

Amused, Nekros turned at stepped into Darvo's shop, where the scream had come from. Darvo lay on the floor clutching his leg.

"That bloody Frost Prime shot me!" the merchant yelled.

"Nothing a health restore won't fix," Nekros replied, and tossed the merchant a small silver disk. Darvo caught it and slapped the device against his leg. Nekros extended a hand, and lifted the merchant to his feet.

"Aye, thanks Tenno."

Nekros nodded, and went back outside.
Frost Prime (played by HighJoseph2) Topic Starter

Baro had told Frost Prime that he can go to Lua and collect him some lunar pitchers. Frost shrugged and walked to the front of the relay and sat in front of his Mantis ship. He took out his Latron and looked at its inner workings. Spinning it around in his hand, he quickly stopped the motion and shot it out into empty space.
Rhino Prime (played by The_Guardian49)

Pulling into the relay, Rhino Prime was looking forward to turning in his many red veil marks that he had collected. As the relay swung into view, a shot rang out. Rhino saw the shot fly from the relay and ping off his newly painted ship. "So we have a funny guy do we?" He sped into docking and left his ship. looking around, he saw Frost Prime holstering his Latron. "Hey! How about you watch where you are shooting! you scratched my ship!"
Frost Prime (played by HighJoseph2) Topic Starter

Frost Prime grunts and tosses the Rhino Prime a credit. He sighs and walks into his Mantis.
"Hello Frost" Jordas quietly says.
"Just lost a credit to some Rhino, that thinks I had shot his ship." Frost grumbled.
"That is not good" Jordas says, trying not to laugh. Frost walked over and began to mod his Latron and Ether reaper.
"Jordas, set the route to Lua. We got us a job."
"Oh joy Frost!, what'll you be paid?"
"Baro told me that I would be getting a key to untold treasures. Hah, like I'll believe that. However it might be a dragon key to an orokin vault, and that'll be good." Frost finished modding his weapons and meditated while Jordas flew the ship to Lua.
Rhino Prime (played by The_Guardian49)

Rhino Prime caught the credit and watched Frost Prime stalk off to his ship. Satisfied with the paymemt, Rhino ran to Darvo's to fix up his ship. "Hello Tenno!" Darvo said as Rhino entered his shop. "What's up with your leg?" Rhino asked as he had seen the silver healing disc on his leg. "A Frost Prime was here earlier. Stole a Latron and an ether reaper. If you see him, tell him I'm putting a bounty on his head. So what can I do for you?" But Rhino had already run out of the shop. He immediately entered his Schimitar and told navigation to follow the ion trail left by the frost's ship.
Nekros Prime (played by ChoujuX)

Nekros Prime strode out onto the landing pad, where a Rhino Prime rushed past him and leapt into a Scimitar. Annoyed by all the odd characters he had met that day, Nekros climbed into his own ship, a Xiphos.
Frost Prime (played by HighJoseph2) Topic Starter

"Frost sir, We are at your destination. Lua." Jordas sparked.
"Thanks Jordas." Frost said as he flew down to the "Lost" moon. Unboarding his ship, Frost looked around. Seeing many forgotten Orokin buildings dismayed him. Strutting down to a vegetated area, he looked for some Lunar Pitchers. "Aha!" He mumbled to himself as he picked up a lunar pitcher. The whitish blue pitcher shaped plant had a strong smell, like that of all carnivorous plants. He chuckled as he found more and more and put them in his bag. "Easiest mission yet" He chuckled to himself.
He heard a sharp sound. Turning around he saw an occultist had just scanned him. "Shit" he yelled, running for a place where his ship could pick him up. "Jordas pick me up now!" Frost screamed into the Orokin towers. However, Jordas couldn't hear him.
Rhino Prime (played by The_Guardian49)

Following the ion trail of the Frosts ship the moon Lua came into view. Deciding that the fastest way to find the frost was going directly into the atmosphere of the planet following the trail, Rhino Prime sped his ship up and rocketed into the atmosphere with a resounding BOOM. Seeing a figure wandering around on the planet he zoomed in with his viewer. "That's him alright." he said to himself zooming out a bit. "Uh oh. Looks like he got himself scanned by a Occulist. Time to see how my tweaked missiles work against Occulists." setting up a bombing run and an automated landing sequence, rhino flipped out of the Scimitar. as he plummeted to the moon's surface, Rhino saw his ship let loose a salvo of missiles at the Occulist. They impacted and the shockwave would have sent him flying if he hadn't already activated his iron skin. Plummeting through the fire and slamming into the ground. He pulled his Soma Prime from his back and saw the Frost.
Frost Prime (played by HighJoseph2) Topic Starter

Frost looked up waiting for Conculystes or Battlelystes to appear. Instead he saw a carpet of bombs flying towards him. "What the..." he panted as he rolled away to dodge them. He saw the Rhino Prime appear out of the dust created by the explosion. Wielding a soma prime, the Rhino looked at him. Frost ran up to him and said "I don't care why you're here right now, but we have sentients on the way. If you thought those blue occultists were the danger, they're far from it. Hah all they do is scan. So I'll assume that was for your flashy entrance and not to destroy sentients."
Rhino Prime (played by The_Guardian49)

" I was aiming for you. You have a bounty on your head. Darvo is not very happy. And apparently you set off some kind of trap because there were Sentients preparing to ambush you. So you had better get your ass moving before the rest of them get here." Rhino started running. "My ship is just over this hill. hurry."
Frost Prime (played by HighJoseph2) Topic Starter

"And what, let you turn me in?" Frost said as he started to walk away from the Rhino.
Rhino Prime (played by The_Guardian49)

"There were two reasons i used that airstrike. One was to kill the nearby sentients. The second was to draw the rest of them here." as Rhino spoke sentients began appearing all around them. "Also who said I was turning you in. Darvos prices are retarded. I was hoping to take you too him, get the money, and we could split it after we escape."
Frost Prime (played by HighJoseph2) Topic Starter

"I like how you think, but he's a sly man." Frost said. He then immediately unholstered his Ether reaper and his Latron aiming at the sentients.
Nekros Prime (played by ChoujuX)

Back at Larunda, Nekros was preparing to leave when a transmission came through.

"Tenno!" Darvo said. "I put a bounty on that damn Frost. There's already one taker, a Rhino Prime. Go get 'em!"

The realization clicked for Nekros Prime.

"Jessaphalon, follow that Scimitar!"

"JERK! Ok." The cephalon said as she set the course. The Xiphos disengaged from the dock and rocketed off to Lua.

He arrived to see a Scimitar bomber, the Rhino Prime's, on a strafing run. His Xiphos hurtled through the atmosphere, right above a pack of Sentient - and two Warframes.

"Jessephalon! I'm gonna go in, drop me when you're ready."

Nekros Prime ran to the back, and prepared to drop. He felt a rush of air and he fell down, and slammed into the ground, behind a pack of Sentient fighters.
Rhino Prime (played by The_Guardian49)

Rhino ran into the scimitar and prepared to take off. "Forget the sentients! Just get in!"
Frost Prime (played by HighJoseph2) Topic Starter

Frost threw himself into the scimitar, until he realized he couldn't be in there with Rhino. "I'll manage" Frost said, as he backflipped off of the scimitar, facing the sentients.
Nekros Prime (played by ChoujuX)

Nekros figured that would be the time to reveal himself. Stepping out from behind a piece of rubble, he drew his Hate and twirled it.

"So we meet again. Need some help?" He asked the Frost Prime in front of him.

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Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Ben, Darth_Angelus