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Forums » General Roleplay » Holiday rp [open]

Whisper (played by Gothic_Girl)

she went the two
Liam Scot Matthews (played anonymously) Topic Starter

( yeah sure this is always open to join at anytime but not too sure about the friends thing )
Liam Scot Matthews (played anonymously) Topic Starter

(yeah what ever just make sure Drago is ok with it)
Drago (played by laserdragon111)

(I am okay with it :) )
Bek (played anonymously)

((Awesome, thanks!))
Bek walked up to the front door of the house and knocked, his free hand pulling a simplified gas mask on over his nose and mouth. He knew the people who lived there vaguely, and since it was the weekend and he really hadn't many other friends to hang out with, he figured they wouldn't mind him showing up unannounced.
Whisper (played by Gothic_Girl)

"I'll get it" she said and went to the door and opened it
Drago (played by laserdragon111)

"I will go there," Drago said.
He walked to the door, and opened.
Whisper (played by Gothic_Girl)

"hey i already got it" she said giggling
Bek (played anonymously)

Bek lowered his hand after the door was opened, showing him two people, one he recognized. "...Drago?" he asked, "Is, uh, Len- uh, Liam here too?" He cursed himself for forgetting their names. He glanced over at the girl with a short "Hi."
Whisper (played by Gothic_Girl)

"Hi" she said softly and shyly
Drago (played by laserdragon111)

"Yeah, it 's me," Drago said and laughed, "come in. And yeah, Liam is here too..."
Drago tried to remember. When did I met him? Oh yeah, when I was injured, he was here to visit Liam...
Bek (played anonymously)

Bek nodded, stepped inside, and closed the door behind himself. "I'm Bek," he added, aimed mostly at the girl, although he wasn't sure if Drago knew his name either. His voice was slightly muffled by the mask. "It's okay if I come over, right?" He looked around for Liam.
Liam Scot Matthews (played anonymously) Topic Starter

" oh come on i was nearly finished!!" Liam shorted feeling slightly frustrated
Whisper (played by Gothic_Girl)

"I'm whisper" she said and closed the door
Drago (played by laserdragon111)

"Liam..." Drago said and touched Liam 's shoulder.
Liam Scot Matthews (played anonymously) Topic Starter

" yes what" Liam said
Drago (played by laserdragon111)

"Bek is here..." he said.
Bek (played anonymously)

"You are," Bek replied to Whisper as if she'd just said she was whispering and not her name. He looked over and waved at Liam.
Liam Scot Matthews (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Liam looked back at thg Tv and realised his guy had been killed "well done you ruined my KD now!" he said feeling a bit annoyed
Liam Scot Matthews (played anonymously) Topic Starter


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